2013-07-08Job:Big Customer Manager

  • Job requirements: 1, full of great interest in business strategy management, identify with the value goals of SLEEING, can realize self-perfect in the process of promoting entrepreneurial economic development; 2, with a strong sense of teamwork, excellent communication skills, a high degree of professionalism and good occupation ethics; 3, understand some consulting business of business strategy management, and has the certain foundation in one field of business strategy management consulting; 4, undergraduate degree or above, with basic knowledge of management, economics, law, or other business strategy management related disciplines, and has more than three years relevant work experience; 5, with certain working experience in large clients sales, or related working experience of well-known companies at home and abroad is preferred.
  • Responsibilities:1, Executive the company's large clients development program, complete the team sales target; 2, form sales ideas according to the large clients characteristics, proposed large clients development planning; 3, design, organize and implement the large clients market activities, explore, establish and maintain good relationship with large clients; 4, participate in project negotiation, customer communication and other work, positive feedback on customer demand; 5, coordinate the relationship between the customers and the company, assist the operation and implementation of the project; 6, improve the company's market share and competitive, participate in the establishment and adjustment of company's business strategy.
  • Department:Market Expansion Center
  • Recruitment Status:Resume Collection
  • Number:10People