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  • Business Plan

  Business plan consulting of SLEEING taking build and improve the innovation ability as the center, taking business strategy as the guidance, taking the " overall, long-term, dynamic, optimization " as the core value, covering the main strategic areas of all stages of entrepreneurial life cycle, including five big modules - entrepreneurial seed period solution, entrepreneurial budding period solutions, entrepreneurial growth period solution, entrepreneurial mature period solution, entrepreneurial recession period solution, each module includes the opportunity management, value management, element integration, precision innovation, risk management five big content. Business plan consulting of SLEEING will help entrepreneurs from the focus on the immediate to long-term, from the focus on the opportunity to boundary, from the focus on the scale to innovation, from the focus on capital to resources, from the focus on the sales to demand, from the focus on the problem to coordination, from the focus on the performance to value, from the focus on the competition to share, to comprehensive enhance the entrepreneurial capacity, timely grasp the entrepreneurial opportunities, and realize the great-leap-forward development in the dynamic and complex environment......


The rocket propulsion model —— Overall framework of business plan consulting



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