To pay no heed, eat without relish

-- Entrepreneurial environment fundamentally determines the success or failure of the business

  • Time: 2013-07-29 10:40:55
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2863

  Case playback:


  In 1998, through the investigation and analysis, A believes that as China's urbanization level unceasing enhancement, the city gas consumption will continue to increase. Because the coal gas production cost is high and the pollution is serious, and the natural gas price is too high and the network in short, neither cannot rival to liquefied petroleum gas in a certain period of time. Liquefied petroleum gas cylinder production is an important part of liquefied petroleum gas supply, possessing the advantages of demand large, less investment, quick effect, no area restrictions, is an ideal business opportunity. So A and B jointly set up C cylinder manufacturing company, and to raise large sums of money to complete the construction of 5 production lines, has become the leading enterprises of domestic liquefied gas steel cylinder production in North China. But good times don't last long, with the rapid development in North China pipeline liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas, bottled gas users gradually reduced, resulting in a large backlog of C company products, serious losses, face bankruptcy.


  Intensive analysis:


  Entrepreneurial environment is the sum of all the external factors can influence entrepreneurial, is a multi-level organic whole composed of macro environment and industry environment and other factors.

  Entrepreneurial environment through effects on entrepreneurial opportunities is restricting the entire business process, fundamentally determines the success or failure of the business. Entrepreneurs need through the analyze of entrepreneurial environment to understanding the macro and industry environment, discover and seize the opportunity, achieve business objectives.

  In this case, A know to macroscopic environment for entrepreneurship favourable, but too optimistic, did not seriously consider the industry environment and its trend of development. From the source structure, city gas mainly artificial coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas three types. Before the eighteen eighties, China's city gas is mainly artificial gas. the eighteen eighties later, China began to popularize the liquefied petroleum gas, and gradually replace the artificial coal gas become the main in China's city gas consumption structure. But after 90 time metaphase, in the pressure of energy saving and environmental protection, local governments at all levels have been identified to the development and utilization of natural gas as an important measure to optimize the energy structure, improving the atmospheric environment, the sustainable economic development. With "Shaanxi-Beijing line", "West-East Gas Transmission", "second Shaanxi-Beijing" and other major projects completed and put into production, the construction of "Sichuan-East Gas Transmission" pipeline project, imports of natural gas trunk pipeline engineering and the introduction of the LNG project is completed, natural gas has become the development direction of China's City gas.

  In 2002, the Ministry of Construction issued "about speeding up the marketization of the municipal public utilities process views", was a prelude to the reform of city gas market. With the relaxation of market access of city gas network, all kinds of capital to enter the field of city gas. City gas network is bottled more safe and reliable, advanced technology, low investment, strong adaptability in almost overnight cover all of China's large and medium-sized city. Pipeline gas instead of bottled gas quickly dispersed, become the main way of liquefied petroleum gas supply. Liquefied petroleum gas steel cylinder needs double extrusion in natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas pipeline, gradually withdraw from the mainstream market. Facing the decline of city gas industry structure adjustment and bottled liquefied petroleum gas market segments, the C company that is doomed to fail in the beginning.


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