Baidu Inc's success is due to appropriate

-- Along with the gradual optimization of the external environment, China ushered in a hitherto unknown "Golden Venture period"

  • Time: 2013-07-29 10:22:39
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2816

  Case playback:


  In November 17, 1968, Robin Li was born in Shanxi city of Yangquan province in an ordinary working family. In 1991, from Peking University Library and information science at New York State University in the United States after graduation to buffalo for a computer professional master's degree. In 1992 in the Journal of the American Institute of Electronic Engineering published "using information retrieval theory to solve the problem of" optical recognition. Beginning in 1994, the Silicon Valley in the United States in search of related work. In 2000 January, Robin Li and partner Xu Yong founded the Baidu Inc with 00000 in venture capital. In 2000 June, the Baidu Inc to avoid e-commerce IT was the hottest, officially launched the Chinese search engine, has provide search service for Sohu, Sina, 263, T0M,, Netease company. In 2001 August, Robin Li argued, in China's first competitive ranking business model, the Baidu Inc from the background service to provide independent search service. Subsequently launched a IE search, MP3 search, image search, news search, Baidu Inc, Baidu Inc post bar area, Baidu Inc, Baidu Inc know video products. By 2004, the Baidu Inc has a monopoly of Chinese search market. In August 5, 2005, Baidu Inc successfully listed in the NASDAQ, became the first Chinese net beyond sina. Baidu Inc and properly handle the crisis, library music infringement and PPC scandal, to speed up the pace of development. In January 23, 2008, Baidu Inc and Japan Inc of formal operation, international entrepreneurship strategy in full swing. In March 15, 2010, the share price of the Baidu Inc for the first time beyond G00gle, Robin Li became the "Forbes" released in 2010 China's richest man. In 2010 November, Robin Li was the United States "fortune" magazine as the world's business sixth, becoming the first to enter the top 10 list of chinese.


  Intensive analysis:


  Entrepreneurial economy is relative to a kind of economic form and economic management, refers to the entrepreneurial creativity and innovation as the foundation, to the entrepreneurial enterprises as the main way of development, through entrepreneurial mechanism to promote economic development in the form of economy. Entrepreneurial economy is conducive to promoting the sustainable development of economy, and promote economic growth, improve the capability of independent innovation, improve industrial structure, alleviating employment pressure, the individual spiritual value and knowledge value. Since the eighteen seventies, due to technological progress, economic globalization, the institutional environment changes, changes of market structure, and the resulting high uncertainty, entrepreneurship is increasingly becoming the United States and many other western developed countries and regional economic growth and the source of power, showing a strong vitality and competitiveness of the economy.

  After the socialist transformation and after the cultural revolution, China's entrepreneurial economy basically extinct. In 1978 eleven of the Third Plenary Session opened a prelude to China's reform and opening up, the entrepreneurial economy mainly to individual industrial and commercial households began to sprout. In 1987 October, the party's thirteenth Congress first party document recognition and to allow the existence and development of private economy. In 1988 April, by a meeting of the seven session of the National People's Congress's constitutional amendment to increase the "private economy is a complement to the socialist public ownership economy" the contents of the. In June the same year, the State Council issued the "Regulations of the people's Republic of China Interim Regulations on private economy". The private sector of the economy to be recognized and protected in our country, the entrepreneurial economy entered a new stage of development. In 1989 the political turmoil, economic environment of tightening in China, many enterprises began to stop production or converting.

  In 1992, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's southern tour speech put forward the theory of "three favorables", greatly emancipated people's minds. In October the same year, the 14th National Congress of the Party established the goal model of market economy, China's entrepreneurial economy entered a new stage of rapid development. In 1993 the party's fourteen plenary session: "development to allow and encourage individual, private, foreign and other non-public sectors of the economy, and the correct guidance, strengthen supervision and management according to law, so that they become a necessary supplement to the socialist economy". With the establishment of legal status of the individual, private and other non-public ownership economy, related laws have been introduced. In 1993 December promulgated the "company law of the people's Republic of China", 1997 February promulgated the "partnership enterprise law of the people's Republic of China". The two law established the legal status of the company and partnership business subject, but there are still some entrepreneurial threshold.

  In 1997, the 15th Party Congress to the individual and private and other non-public sectors of the economy, as an important part of our socialist market economy. In 1999 March, the two session of the nine national people's Congress's constitutional amendment to "the individual economy, private economy is correct" socialist public ownership "in the law within the scope of the individual economy, private economy and other non-public sectors of the economy, the socialist market economy is the important part of". January 1, 2000 "a sole proprietorship enterprise law of the people's Republic of China began to implement the", make the enterprise registered a yuan of money as possible. In 2002 June promulgated the "the people's Republic of China SME Promotion Law", and greatly improve the business environment. In February 25, 2005, "a number of opinions" of the State Council on encouraging, supporting and guiding the individual and private and other non-public economic development of the non-public capital is allowed to enter the monopoly industries and fields. In 2005 and 2006, China's "company law", of "partnership enterprise law" was amended, greatly reducing the poineering doorsill, promote the development of venture capital. In 2006 August promulgated the "PRC Enterprise Bankruptcy Law" to further standardize the business behavior, purifying the environment. With the "ingredients" difference gradually fade out, reducing the threshold for entrepreneurship and to improve the business environment, our country entered civilian era of entrepreneurship.

  In 2007 August, China promulgated the "the people's Republic of China Employment Promotion Law" put forward to want to venture to promote employment, encourage entrepreneurship, and provide a variety of preferential and support for entrepreneurs. In 2007 October, the CPC put forward the development strategy of "employment", non-public economy gained legal "equal" protection and economic "equality" competition. In 2008 September, China's implementation of the "on the business provides a strong policy support to promote the guiding opinions" venture to promote employment, then start the construction of entrepreneurial city, and promulgated a series of policies and measures and implementation. In 2009 October, officially launched China's gem, the gem as the key of venture capital market system gradually perfect.

  In order to deal with the financial crisis, the optimization of the industrial structure, increase employment opportunities, improve the international entrepreneurship, promote entrepreneurship and economic development has become the inevitable choice in china. Along with the gradual optimization of the external environment, China ushered in a hitherto unknown "Golden Venture period", China has become one of the world's most vibrant entrepreneurial countries. By the end of 2010, China's private enterprises and self-employed households to 42984000 households, more than in 2007 increased by 30.5%. Private enterprises and individual business households at the end of the year, the number of employees reached 164000000, accounting for the number of employees at the end of 21.6%, compared to the end of 2007 increased by 4.7 percentage points.

  In this case, Robin Li gave up the stable life, in the tide of entrepreneurship by virtue of their own one's ability and cleverness and of market opportunities to achieve the wealth myth, in providing many employment opportunities at the same time, enhance the innovation vigor in our country and international entrepreneurship.



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