The dissolution of Huaqiang company is known in advances or retreats

-- Enterprise can avoid greater losses and seek new development path through the dissolution

  • Time: 2013-07-29 12:02:01
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2300

  Case playback:


  Huaqiang Plastic Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998, was China plastic shopping bag industry leading enterprises, staff of more than 2 people. Due to the production of raw materials, labor and electricity prices continued to rise, the company started from the second half of 2006 losses. In January 8, 2008, the general office of the State Council of China issued notice, since June 1, 2008, production, sales, the use of plastic shopping bags less than 0.025 mm in thickness of a nationwide ban. Huaqiang company nearly 90% business belongs to the state to limit the scope, in the "plastic limit order" after the enactment, greatly decreased the number of long-term orders. Although the local government is willing to provide more preferential policies, enterprise employees to retain, but Huaqiang company still in January 31, 2008 announced the dissolution of liquidation, dissolution of each employee a monthly pay compensation, bulk transfer. In April 18, 2008, Huaqiang company employees and other investors to set up Huiqiang Plastic Development Co. Ltd., financing the purchase of assets Huaqiang company, the original Huaqiang part of employees recruitment began producing thickened, degradable environment-friendly plastic bags.


  Intensive analysis:


  In the modern social and economic life, enterprises as a natural person, a generation, growth, aging, until the termination of the natural process. When the enterprise is in the dilemma of development or management deadlock, normal operation is difficult to create profits, enterprises through dissolution can avoid greater losses, seek new development path, realize the maximization of enterprise value. The termination of the enterprise is a common phenomenon, but its investors, creditors of the business, the debtor and the employees and other stakeholders will produce major effect. Enterprise prior to the termination of liquidation related interests, between the enterprise and the related subjects of rights and obligations to destroy, otherwise it will affect the stable social order. Therefore, the law gives the dissolution of certain rights, but they must be in compliance with the statutory procedures, and not let his willingness to act.

  In this case, Huaqiang Plastic Limited company after years of development, although a higher market share. But the equipment backward technology, to produce in line with national standards for plastic bags, needs a lot of investment in equipment renovation. Even if successful, with raw material prices and labor costs increase, the enterprise will face the narrow market, fierce competition and low profits, enterprise development uncertainty greatly. Has been vigorously to retain staff tried to obstruct and government, enterprises from their own interests to the dissolution and liquidation, in order to reduce losses, lock the proceeds.


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