M & A is the growing weapon of Gome company

-- Merger and acquisition is the important methods and ways to expand the scale of production and strengthen core business ability

  • Time: 2013-07-29 14:44:30
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2266

  Case playback:


  Gome group was founded in 1987, is a mainly to electrical appliances and consumer electronics retail business of the national chain enterprises, in 2004 successfully listed in Hongkong. In 2005, through the acquisition of Harbin black swan company, Shenzhen company, Jiangsu Jintaiyang e-home appliances company, complete the domestic first-tier cities layout, began to focus into the two or three line of the city layout. By 2006, Peng Tai Investment Company to become the second largest shareholder of the company holding Zhongguancun; Guangdong love company, set foot in home appliances manufacturing industry; in 2006 July the successful acquisition of Yongle electrical appliance company of China's third major appliance retail enterprises. In 2007 December acquisition of Beijing Dazhong electrical appliance company, in 2007 September acquisition of Shaanxi CellStar company, in 2007 December acquisition of Shanxi north electric company, in 2008 February acquisition of Dalian - point mobile phone chain corporation, in 2008 March the holding company. Through mergers and acquisitions, Gome has become the chain retail enterprises with international competitiveness, from 2006 to 2008 for three consecutive years ranked the top 100 enterprises of China's retail industry.


  Intensive analysis:


  With the development of economic globalization, all enterprises face is no longer a relatively small market, but a global market. The end of nineteenth Century, the developed countries enterprises have to expand the scale of enterprises, for a bigger share of the global market as its strategic objectives, along with the growing wave of mergers and acquisitions. The western developed countries through mergers and acquisitions quickly development of a number of large-scale enterprises, control a lot of market resources in the global scope, promoted the rapid development of economy. Since joining the WT0, China's market concentration degree is low, decentralized industrial organization, small scale enterprises, is at the disadvantageous position in the fierce competition with international enterprises in. In the nineteen eighties, the government has actively advocated, Chinese enterprises began to set off a wave of mergers and acquisitions. Along with our country economic system reform and the implementation of modern enterprise system, M & a strategy has been adopted by more and more enterprises.

  In this case, to 2005, Gome has become the domestic home appliance retail industry through mergers and acquisitions in the first place, but facing the international giant best buy in China and Suning entered Shanghai threat. Through the acquisition of Yongle and Dazhong, Gome company, keep the domestic retail industry big boss status, Chinese home appliance retail chain market entered a new era of two confrontation Gome and Suning. Acquisition of Shanxi north electric company and the company triple, and the number of sales of GOME stores doubled as Su Ning, the Chinese home appliance retail industry's leading position tends to be stable. In a solid industry position at the same time, Gome through mergers and acquisitions to accelerate into the real estate, home appliances and mobile phone sales pace. Merger and acquisition to Gome company to form scale economy, realize the diversification strategy, but the rapid development of enterprises, easy to cause the jumbled management complexity, funding difficulties and legal disputes, if not well controlled merger risk, is likely to repeat the mistakes of the failure of diversification of enterprise.


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