Set up of the Huawei Company have the discerning eye

-- Enterprise set up is an innovative economic activity which start from scratch and from simple to complex

  • Time: 2013-07-30 16:35:23
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2713

  Case playback:


  Ren Zhengfei was born in 1944, war and poverty made him to forbear and firmness of character. At the age of 19, Ren Zhengfei attended the Chongqing Institute of architecture and Engineering (now incorporated into the Chongqing University). After graduating from university into the army, as a communication soldier he has a number of technical invention in a military communication system engineering, two times to fill the gaps in the country. Nineteen eighties, Ren Zhengfei demobilized later to Shenzhen began a brief career, worked as a manager in an electronics company Nanyou group. In 1987, Ren Zhengfei with 20000 yuan of registered capital founded Shenzhen Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., the main electrical equipment. After years of speculation and confused, Huawei Company in SPC exchange agent a company in Hongkong in the process, found on the blank China Telecom program-controlled switchboard exuberant demand and domestic related technology. In 1990, Ren Zhengfei began to independent research and development for the hotel and small enterprises SPC exchange technology and put into commercial. In 1991 December, the first shipment of 3 BH - 03 switch the Huawei Company launched the edge of bankruptcy. In 1992, Huawei Company switch entered the mass market, year achieve production value 120000000 yuan, profit of over 10 million. In order to avoid direct competition with international telecommunications giant, Huawei Company through "countryside surrounding city" strategy had a risk of death is high entrepreneurial germination stage, entered a rapid development track. The face of the domestic, international market of unprecedented fierce competition, in 1995 began and gradually forming "Huawei Company Law" prompted the Huawei Company transition from a non-standard private enterprises to Modern Corporation enterprise, and embarked on the difficult journey of international entrepreneurship. Strategy of relying on low cost and fast service advantage and "easy to difficult", Huawei Company created the China Company to "the fastest record own brand" impact overseas markets. In 2011, Huawei Company grew into the world's largest telecommunications network solutions provider, the world's second largest telecom equipment supplier, the world's sixth largest mobile phone manufacturer, China's largest private enterprise.


  Intensive analysis:


  This is a pioneering era, have thousands on thousands of people joined the business tide every day. Own and operate their own business is the most stimulation, the most challenging work in today's economy. Through the creation of enterprises, many entrepreneurs to gain wealth and achievement feeling, and create extraordinary value for society. But the new enterprise is not licensed the moment, is not registered as independent events, but a from scratch, from the simple to the economic activities of innovative complex. The high degree of uncertainty requires entrepreneurs through the systemic method objectively examine their opportunities and risks, and make the right choice. Otherwise, is bound to be the market.

  In this case, Ren Zhengfei did not succeed the congenital advantage, but the establishment of Huawei Company to seize a rare opportunity in time, and many venture to resolve through a unique business model and excellent business team, to achieve the ultra-conventional development of enterprises.


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