Lenovo through international entrepreneurship soar up into the sky with one start

-- China international business is becoming more and more rich and diverse

  • Time: 2013-07-30 17:03:03
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2849

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  Nineteen ninties, Lenovo in China PC market outshines the rest, to 2000, the domestic market share has reached 30%. But with Dell, HP into PC international manufacturers, fierce competition, with the founder, TCL and other domestic brands, Lenovo's PC business is no longer. In order to expand the space for development, Lenovo began to explore the diversification strategy, but without success. In 2003, Lenovo strategy from diversification to specialization, which is to focus on the business of PC and international market development. At that time, Lenovo in the global PC market brand awareness is not high, lack of sales channels, market share of less than 3%, the international business faces a lot of difficulty. In December 8, 2004, Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's personal computer business for 50000000. In January 26, 2005, 3 American Republican senators wrote to the Committee on foreign investment in the United States, think this merger may endanger the national security of the United states. The Committee on foreign investment in the United States of America decided to conduct a full investigation of the Committee on foreign investment in the United States, 45 days later announced the approval of its acquisition of IBM's personal computer business. In May 1, 2005, Lenovo officially announced the completion of its acquisition of IBM global PC business, the global PC market share from ninth place to third, successfully entered the top 500 in the world.


  Intensive analysis:


  Since the nineteen ninties, took a new, profound changes in the international economic environment. Social production network in the world has been formed, the traditional natural resources, products based on the division of the pattern has been broken, the adjustment of the world industrial structure increase, the impact of economic globalization on the world is becoming more and more profound. With the changes of international environment, the international market homogeneous enhancement and transnational trade cost reduction, international competition has regional competition internationalization, localization, diversification of international competition competition competition. In this international competition environment, if enterprises want to survive and develop, must participate in the global competition. In international business, entrepreneurs need to be limited production management elements are configured in the multinational, determine the direction of management, enterprise and based on the international market supply and demand situation and the international value of business decision-making, allocation and commodity prices, and abide by the rules of the world economy, according to the standard of International trade and international practice.

  After joining the WTO, China has introduced a market economic system reform, opening wider to the outside world, the implementation of the "going out" and "bringing in" strategy of international coordination, traditional industries and emerging industries to China's rapid transfer. China's enterprises in the process of the world to undertake industrial transfer, industrial and product structure is changing gradually from low-end to high-end, participate in the international division of labor model improved, with a certain degree of international entrepreneurship and comparative advantage. In order to break through the restriction of element, resist trade protectionism, occupy the overseas market, expanding international influence, improve the technological level and economic benefits, China's international business is becoming more and more rich and diverse.

  But because China's integration into the world economic system is not a long time, Chinese enterprises development history is relatively short, there is lack of macro policy to a certain extent, backward management level, investment decision-making is not scientific, information channels blocked, international talents, funds and lack of experience, technical innovation capability and brand effect problem. Facing the huge change and environmental management of the degree of environmental uncertainty, international entrepreneurship will inevitably encounter all kinds of obstacles and setbacks. While the international entrepreneurship strategy of failure, not only all one's efforts wasted a lot of money, but also will greatly affect the enterprise's internal stability and external image. Of course, if you come to a standstill before international entrepreneurial opportunities, the development trend of the future will affect the process of internationalization of enterprises and enterprise the international competitive position in the very great degree. Therefore, entrepreneurs should adopt scientific and reasonable international entrepreneurship strategy to seize the opportunity of global expansion, and to reduce potential risks brought by international entrepreneurship.

  In this case, founded in 1984, Lenovo Group, founded in 11 scientific and technical personnel of micro enterprises developed into today's leading enterprises in the global personal computer market, represents the development process of China's many business organizations. In the legend of sustained profitability and IBM company's PC business loss situation, seize the opportunity of Lenovo internationalization, achieve optimal allocation of global resources and capabilities. Although the integration of the deep is still facing a difficult situation, but merger IBMPC business three months after losses to win, by 2007 to achieve a smooth transition, the initial integration declared a success, and laid a solid foundation for the realization of international entrepreneurship strategy target. Of course, in the face of different political, economic, social, cultural and legal environment, Lenovo's acquisition of IBMPC business process also exists many problems. Lenovo by introducing overseas strategic investor, and hired McKinsey and Goldman Sachs as strategy consultants and financial advisers and other means, solves the problems such as capital, information, greatly to circumvent the risks of overseas mergers and acquisitions and uncertainty.


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