"Hiview" project is head star

-- Project management helps with enterprise activities of specific goals, time requirements, resource constraints and risk characteristics

  • Time: 2013-07-30 17:07:36
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2719

  Case playback:


  In 1969, Hisense company predecessor "Qingdao radio factory two" was established, the production of transistor radios. In 1970, Shandong province developed the first electronic tube type 14 inch tv. In 1979 February, Qingdao TV factory was established, and was identified as the country fixed-point production factory. In 1984, the introduction of Japanese Panasonic technology and equipment for the production of 14 inch color tv. In 1996, in order to deal with the price war of miserable intense, Hisense formulated the "high-tech, high-quality, high level of service, creating international brand" business strategy, started thinking of chip research and development. In 1999, the United States of America Hisense R & D personnel to seek technical cooperation failed, but the firm independent R & D determination. After returning home, Shanghai set up R & D center in opposition, the team members to graduate students. After repeated research and demonstration, Hisense abandon microcontroller direction, decided to forward development of digital video processing chip. In 2003, the design code of the software simulation after actual verification in the circuit, but not in normal operation, the project was facing an impasse. Through the exploration of more than three months, the differences found the crux of the problem lies in the team member code style and communication barriers. Subsequently, the project group through a unified code style, optimize the division of work and cooperation, accelerate the progress of research and development. In 2004, the design work completed, chip design of delivery processing plant for processing, and through professional testing, can be widely used in various types of flat panel TV, rear projection TV and CRT TV and display equipment. In 2005, the Ministry of information industry and identified by tissue chip and application results, and was named "Hiview core". The same year, with the "hiview" color TV is officially off the assembly line, put an end to China since the production of color TV since all the history of dependence on foreign chips. In 2011, Hisense company TV market share ranking fifth in the world, the country ranked first.


  Intensive analysis:


  The project management is widely used in the project of enterprises had a very long history, such as construction, infrastructure construction and national defense. In modern society, enterprises are facing great pressure of market competition, shortened product life cycle, improve the complexity of products and technical content, speed up the process of integration of global market, commercial opportunity transient. Conventional operating mechanism of enterprises often difficult for the modern enterprise as the goal, task size and complexity, the project management has entered many non project enterprise. Such as, pharmaceutical, chemical, finance, information, hospital, school, cultural, legal, accounting, integrated enterprises and government departments etc.. The specific project management object has been developed to a variety of investment, technology, product development, capital operation, enterprise transformation, market development, infrastructure construction, management system design, materials circulation and raising funds etc.. Because enterprise these activities often have specific goals, time requirements, resource constraints and risk characteristics, need to use project management techniques or tools to coordinate with different department, different professional and technical personnel work, improve the flexibility and integration of personnel and organization, and asked to complete the action plan according to the predetermined time, cost and schedule. Of course, other activities of enterprises can also learn to, selective use of technology, some aspects of project management tools. In fact, planning management, scope management, procurement management, contract management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, risk management and project management content has been widely used in different enterprises.

  In this case, Hisense company to face the complex market environment, made a strategic decision function innovation. After the necessary opportunity and feasibility studies, Hisense and decisive decision-making positive development of digital video processing chip. The project group was established, the use of project management technology clearly the team member's work scope, schedule and quality requirements, at a lower cost to achieve the project objectives, generate huge economic benefits and social benefits.


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