Recombinant IBM is reasonable

-- Constructing a new mode of production management through enterprise restructuring enable enterprises to maintain competitive advantage in change

  • Time: 2013-07-30 17:11:43
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2823

  Case playback:


  In 1914, IBM founded the United States of America, nineteen sixties developed into global IT the first giant, host computer market share up to 70%. In 1981, IBM afterwards after apple into the personal computer market, through the "fast bureau second strategy" quickly became the leader in the field of personal computer. In 1994, IBM was in large computer personal computer personal computer by erosion and double pressure compatible machine under shock, profitability decline gradually, shares defeat. To walk out of predicament, IBM decided to transition from the hardware manufacturer for the full range of Service Corporation, and the implementation of the strategic restructuring. Through the massive layoffs, stock repurchase, the disposal of global factories and PC business and other means, IBM capital profit rate increases, prices rise directly to a high position, surpassed Microsoft in 2011 to become the world's second science and technology enterprises.


  Intensive analysis:


  As the reflection of the blind expansion of business results, the West and China's many enterprises respectively in the 80's, 90's started to give up some of the industry are not closely linked, does not conform to the enterprise long-term business strategy, the lack of growth potential of the business and assets, business restructuring front. Through the restructuring of enterprises strategy in the dump the burden of the losses, invigorated the stock assets, eliminate the negative synergistic effect at the same time, increase the cash income, promote the level of profits, implantation dominant industry, enhance the entrepreneurial ability, to adapt to the changing environment.

  In this case, IBM due to environmental changes and strategic decision-making mistakes, once fell into a predicament. In the face of the demand from the fragmented system into business solutions, from separate operation to infrastructure, integration from exclusive to open standards, from the maintenance of information system operation to focus more on business innovation, from manual operation into the automatic and self-sensing trends, IBM decisive strategic transition. Through the strategic restructuring of "turning waste into treasure", IBM not only realizes the salted fish and stable income growth, but also makes the development of the company become more balanced, more efficient.


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