Who want to be the best one, but finally tears in wujiang river

-- The integration level of entrepreneurial team determines the enterprise future development direction

  • Time: 2013-07-30 10:21:11
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2033

  Case playback:


  In 1989, A master computer professional after graduation, founded B technology company. B implementation militarization management, decision-making power and management power concentrated in the hands of A, and be a law onto oneself. Relying on its unique technology and efficient management, B company to grow quickly as China's most powerful computer companies, ranked second in the Chinese private high-tech enterprises. In 1993, with the world famous computer company in China, B company has been hit. Face dilemma, A Lipaizhongyi began to enter the biological engineering and real estate industry, and launched a great in strength and impetus of the marketing strategy. The rapid promotion of sales and the company size did not improve the overall situation of B company, and the abuse of the system and the management defect is the company discipline violations, misappropriation of corruption emerge in an endless stream. In 1995, B had announced an internal reorganization, restructuring and team awareness training of cadres, and the presence of financial and supervisory audit director to the sales area. But frequent personnel changes not only failed to make the B company to save the day, but caused team lax, talent and financial speculation phenomenon. By the end of 1996, B company eventually because of bad financial situation into bankruptcy crisis.


  Intensive analysis:


  Talent is the source and carrier of entrepreneurial ability, enterprises want to occupy a space for one person in the fierce market competition, we must build a high-quality team. But because a lot of entrepreneurial organization smaller, limited funds, organization is not standard, personnel configuration is simple, the lack of brand image, subjective understanding insufficiency, widespread degree of entrepreneurial team building and management specification of low, quality team members, team weak attraction responsibility not reasonable, encourage the training measures are not in place, if not timely adjustment, will to some extent resulting in low staff morale, the core talents job-hopping, staff turnover rate increased, there may even collapse of acceleration is not mature enterprises. Entrepreneurs of entrepreneurial team integration of knowledge and system construction, the enterprise future development direction. Entrepreneurs should be based on its own characteristics and development goals, establish and perfect the management system of entrepreneurial team, and take feasible measures, retaining only available, and realize the great-leap-forward development.

  In this case, B companies grasp the first opportunity with A's entrepreneurial spirit and suitable products, and obtained remarkable achievements. B extension of the expansion of the road temporarily cover up the contradictions, but lack of team construction for the company in the deadly danger. With the scale expansion, paternalistic management model to make the enterprise decision, feedback mechanism to adapt to changes in the external environment and internal risk control requirements, ultimately submerged in be besieged on all sides in the sound.


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