Act of one's own free will is hard to do something

-- Industrial Technology Innovation Alliance need to bridge the gap of interest, promote the benign cycle of cooperative innovation

  • Time: 2013-07-30 10:50:58
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2632

  Case playback:

  In 2009, A, B, C, D four large state-owned enterprises as the lead unit established E energy equipment manufacturing industry technology alliance. The alliance of the large nuclear power equipment manufacturing key technology consortium, large thermal power equipment manufacturing key technology consortium, large-scale hydropower equipment manufacturing key technology consortium, MW wind turbine manufacturing key technology consortium of 4 industrial technology consortium. Members of the unit consists of 18 state-owned and private enterprises, 5 universities, 3 research institutes. Each Technology Consortium on specific research projects, joint research key technologies, common technologies of members of the organization. Alliance, alliance management committee consisting of key members of the unit is the Union's executive branch, is mainly responsible for the coordination and resolution of alliance, the daily work. The alliance established a coordination mechanism, incentive mechanism, learning mechanism, interest distribution mechanism and risk control mechanism, the alliance has got preliminary development. But because of the existence of interest obvious relationship between alliance management committee and the members of the unit, the trust mechanism and coordination mechanism is not perfect enough, alliance cooperation consciousness is not strong, loosely connected, passive learning, opportunism thought seriously, the alliance whole operation efficiency. By the end of 2011, some activities of the united body has achieved some results, but most of the technical innovation activities is still in the initial stage, not much substantive activities, development prospect is not optimistic.


  Intensive analysis:


  Industrial technology is a multiple technology, basic, common technology is the key and basic industry development. Characteristic and innovation of generic technology base, with high investment, high risk, high complexity, strong outside, individual enterprises generally unable or unwilling to complete, and by members of industrial technology innovation strategy alliance involved. At present, industry technology innovation strategy alliance in China in the initial stage of development, in the operation of the process often benefit distribution mechanism is not perfect, lack of power, cooperation risk to bear ability is weak, the parties lack of strategic awareness and long-term planning union deadlock, affect the realization of alliance stability and target. In order to break the deadlock in the "lock", alliances need to actively look for government and other external support, bridging the interest gap, promote cooperation and innovation.

  In this case, has certain advantages union members in the field of equipment manufacturing industry, and because of geographical proximity, trust, cooperation and consensus is easy to form alliance, alliance innovation activities should be able to carry out. But the trust foundation is weak, the reason of communication channel is not smooth, will breed opportunistic behavior, resulting in the alliance whole operation efficiency. Therefore, it should further improve the operational mechanism, strengthen the standard management and culture construction, improve alliance transparency, trust, cohesion and competitiveness, to ensure the rapid and sustained development alliance. At the same time, needs the help of intermediary service institutions and policy support, to speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and industrialization, continuous integration of technological innovation resources, to improve the level of independent innovation. 


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