If you try to deceive everybody, you will undertaking your risks

-- There is dependence and complex relations between alliance enterprises

  • Time: 2013-07-30 11:10:19
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2862

  Case playback:


  A Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd and B Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is the production of compound reserpine two main raw material of C hydrochloride in enterprises, the market share reached 100%. C, D, E, F is the largest of China's production of antihypertensive drugs in compound reserpine four enterprises, the market share reached 75%. G, H is the medicine circulation enterprises two. In 2011 June, G, H enterprise alliance, and reached the following protocols: A, B HCl C production of cetirizine respectively by G, H exclusive agent, no G, H shall not authorize to third party delivery; Geng to C, D, E, F, to provide different C C, promethazine hydrochloride; D E, F, synchronization to reduce the yield, and the compound reserpine price from 1.3 yuan / bottle of up to 5 yuan / bottle. According to the report, the national development and Reform Commission identified G, H suspected of monopoly, confiscate the illegal proceeds and impose a fine of 6877000 yuan and 152600 yuan.


  Intensive case:


  There is dependence and complex relations between alliance enterprises. On the one hand, the alliance members need to pursue the maximization of interests through close cooperation; on the other hand, each member will from their own interests in various union internal and external competition, and even a threat or escape behavior, thus affecting the stability of the alliance. Therefore, enterprises need to take into consideration various union operation may be the case, and through careful negotiations and detailed and complete contract to reduce the alliance process illegal, fraud, breach of speculation, promote the alliance stability and target.

  In this case, G, H through the alliance, the monopoly power of C hydrochloride in the field of circulation, and by dividing the sales target, limiting the production method, the market price of the upgrade and the profit space expansion. But H G, the alliance has gone beyond the market boundary, was finally identified the suspected monopoly policy and punished.


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