Machetes and spears which weapons more useful

-- Alliance decision is crucial to success of alliance

  • Time: 2013-07-30 11:13:32
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2725

  Case playback:


  A company headquartered in Paris, is one of the world famous food and drinks group, fresh dairy products, biscuits and beverage products of the three major sales rankings are come out in front in the global market. B company is one of China's largest dairy products production, sales enterprise. C company is China's dairy industry is the bright younger generation, powerful challenger B company. In 1992 March, A company and B company with 50%: 50% of the equity structure to set up a joint venture of D company, A company responsible for operation. Because the market is ineffective, the joint venture company losses year after year, B's withdrawal from D company. In 2000, A company began to hold the shares of company B, after several holdings, at the beginning of 2006, A company shareholding ratio increased to 20.01%. In this process, B introduces A, the world's most successful functional products E yogurt, and have achieved market success. But after several efforts, A wanted to get B company controlling rights and management rights, establish yoghurt venture, require the use of AB double brand can not be satisfied. By the end of 2006, A company and C company to set up a joint venture company, for yogurt production sales cooperation. In 2007 April, A company will originally entrusted the management of B company to C company E yogurt. B company immediately launched its own brand F yogurt, yogurt market share quickly over the E. In 2007 October, A company will be held by the B company 20.01% shares at a low valuation to the B's two largest shareholder, paid 410000000 yuan in the market, channels and other related compensation costs, the termination of the A, B both business cooperation and licensing of intellectual property. In 2007 December, because conditions are not ripe and other reasons, A, C yoghurt venture termination. Company A is a sole proprietorship in China, focus on the development of fresh dairy products, E yogurt gradually fade out of the market.


  Intensive analysis:


  Alliance decision is crucial to success of alliance. Complementarity between the member enterprises to achieve "win-win correct alliance decision-making". Alliance decision-making mistakes, it is very easy because of the cultural conflict, benefit predicament causes such as alliance members disunity, trapped in a "lose-lose". Enterprises need to analyze the external environment through, carefully determine the alliance, the necessity, feasibility, alliance target, partners and members positioning etc..

  In this case, A company has the technology and the development of technology of dairy products, advanced manufacturing, while B and C companies in China have a good distribution network and market infrastructure. Alliance with B company, A company in China brand influence and profits have been significant growth. With the rapid growth of the Chinese dairy market, A hopes that the acquisition of B, realize its global strategy. But B was reluctant to give up their brand and corporate control, eventually lead to alliance. Although company A found a new partner, but also can't airness. After a period of time after the sole proprietorship, A company had to shrink front, very reluctantly give up have a certain visibility E yogurt. And B company through the alliance, rapidly improve the technical level and management level, but the League after the breakup, former partners become strong competitors. In order to cope with the competition, B company had a substantial adjustment of marketing strategy and organizational structure, market and performance are subject to a greater impact.


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