The macro environment analysis of entrepreneurship in China

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:03:28
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2817

  The macro environment and the overall environment, is the impact on industries and enterprises of various macroeconomic factors, mainly including four aspects of political and legal, economic, social and natural science and technology. Influence of macro environment of the enterprise may be indirect, but the impact of large and difficult to control. Entrepreneurs need according to its own characteristics and operational needs, collection, monitoring, prediction and assessment of the most important influence factors, changes and the trend is expected to macro environment, identify business opportunities and threats, and to make the adaptive strategy adjustment.


  1, political and legal environment


  Since the reform and opening up, China's political situation is stable, the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has been basically formed, the international status and influence increased significantly, entrepreneurship support is more and more big, the entrepreneur's legitimate interests protected by law. "The 17th National Party Congress" put forward the "implementation of the development strategy of expanding employment, promoting the overall deployment of employment by entrepreneurship.". On 2008, promulgated by the State Council "guidance on the promotion of employment by entrepreneurship work notice" clear requirements from the relaxation of market access, improve administrative management, strengthen policy support, broaden the financing channels, strengthen training, improve the service system, strengthen the organization and leadership to improve the support policy, to improve the business environment. Subsequently, the government departments at all levels actively construct innovation service system, the establishment of career guidance service providers, formation mechanism and service system of entrepreneurship, build entrepreneurial public information service platform, promoting entrepreneurship training base, business incubators and venture platform carrier, establish business service guarantee system, the establishment of a property rights trading market and Shenzhen GEM capital market, promote the development of venture capital and venture capital fund. The establishment of these business service system, and promote the creation of new enterprises, but in terms of exit mechanism, the tax system, to support the field to be further deepened. Some industrial policy changes may implement the price fixing or limited production and other mandatory policy on enterprise, serious impact on related enterprise funds, production, sales plan and process, and even make the production ran into trouble.

  Aiming at the development dilemma of entrepreneurship, China has successively promulgated a series of laws and regulations, from the legislative level for our business to provide a strong guarantee, and create a favorable legal environment for entrepreneurship. 2002 promulgated the "the people's Republic of China SME Promotion Law" and promulgated the "Interim Measures for the administration of venture investment enterprises", "small and medium-sized enterprises designated type standard", "SME venture capital fund management Interim Measures", "emerging industry venture capital project equity investment fund management Interim Measures," "small and medium enterprises credit guarantee fund management Interim Measures" and other relevant laws and regulations constitute our enterprise legal system. The legal system to promote the healthy development of China's entrepreneurial laid the legal protection, but the construction of entrepreneurial law system in our country is still in the primary stage, has not made a professional for business law, basic law is too simple, relevant law is not complete, on the implementation of laws and regulations lack of supervision, to a certain degree on the influence of entrepreneurial development. With the constraints introduced business regulations and environmental law, quality law, labor law, intellectual property law and other laws and regulations, entrepreneurial activity if the violation of the provisions of the law, entrepreneurs and enterprises will be punished, even in crisis.


  2, the macro economic environment


  Since twenty-first Century, China's economic and social development has begun to enter the accelerated transformation. By 2010, China's GDP ranks second in the world, the international status and influence increased significantly; the whole society innovation activity was significantly enhanced, innovative country basically completed; infrastructure has been greatly improved, to provide good condition for entrepreneurial activities, and has become a force for social and economic development. But the structural change and economic contradictions have become increasingly prominent, constraints and the pressure of energy and environment significantly increases, low cost advantage gradually disappear over the past few decades, the world financial crisis has far-reaching influence, China's economic growth mode and development mode of enterprise are facing great pressure of strategic transformation. But our country macroeconomic regulation and control the direction of economic development, created in foreign enterprises, the external environment of fair competition, to strengthen the market supervision of key industries, standardize the competition between enterprises in order to promote, follow up with advanced manufacturing industry and advanced service industry, for the majority of enterprises smooth transition, from quantitative expansion to provide an important opportunity to intensive growth. In order to adapt to changes in the macroeconomic environment, entrepreneurs should be to improve the construction of risk management system at the same time, make full use of the flexibility to the direction of macro-control, adjust and optimize the product structure, further development of characteristic economy and the superiority industry, to seize the strategic opportunity to develop rapidly, and realize the great-leap-forward development.


  3, social and natural environment


  The reform of economic system in China has taken a gradual way, to avoid the process of social structure transformation fluctuation, to achieve a smooth transition in the process of institutional change. But as to speed up the transition of economic system and promote the social structure transformation, increasing social differentiation trend in China, the interests of diversification changes significantly, increase mutual conflict and game between different interest demands, policy support effect is not ideal, social service environment is still not perfect stage. China's vast territory and abundant resources, abundant resources, beautiful environment, climate, can be a variety of shapes and sizes of entrepreneurship. But the flood disaster and earthquake and other natural factors also have influences on the part of the resources of enterprise acquisition cost, and constitutes a threat to the survival of enterprises.


  4, science and technology environment


  As China's "rejuvenating the country through science and technology" policy gradually implemented, will overall profound change environment of science and technology enterprises, to accelerate technological innovation society, promote the change of social technology transfer and existing industry. But the enterprise scientific research funds in most areas of our country is not enough, and the lack of fixed the science & Technology Exhibition and technology exchange and other places, resulting in entrepreneurs are difficult to obtain and master the advanced technique, most of them can only be engaged in primary product simple and rough machining products. Face the change of the market and the emergence of alternative, no technical content of the enterprise is likely to eventually phased out due to lack of the competitiveness of products. So, entrepreneur founding enterprise should according to the nature and the industry fully consider the impact of environmental science and technology in the enterprise, try to avoid the difficulties caused by poor environment for science and technology.
Overall, China is still in the primary stage of market economy development, compared with developed countries, China's business environment is not mature enough, disparity of Regional Entrepreneurial Environment and the big gap between urban and rural areas. But compared with developing countries, China's business environment is generally good, especially in the degree of openness of the market, research and development of transfer, social norms, government policy and government programs and physical infrastructure and has obvious advantages. But social integrity, financial support, entrepreneurship education of intellectual property protection, and the business environment and other fields have to be strengthened.



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