How to state, implement and modify business plan

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:10:30
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2260

  1, oral statements


  Attract investment is one of the important uses of entrepreneurship program. Investors generally requires entrepreneurs to use PowerPoint presentations in 20 - 30 minutes, and then use the remaining time to ask questions. Oral statement should be key factors emphasize startups, but not the executive summary express verbally. Statement should be fluent, accurate and reliable data, to avoid the use of technical terms. Slides should be simple and clear, focused, space master in 10 - 15 between, including company profile, business opportunities, business model, management team, production, marketing, technology, finance, exit and other content. The question for investors, entrepreneurs should have foreseen and prepared, don't forget the important evidence in support of key factors. If you cannot answer investor questions, also need not too care about, perhaps this is just a tentative investors to entrepreneurs thinking ability. Even if there are some improper, also has further improved in favor of business plans and improve.


  2, implementation of the plan


  The business plan that entrepreneurs want to reach the goal and path, pointed out the direction for the development of enterprises. Business plan making, entrepreneurs should be entrepreneurial activities in the planning guidance, should not be on the funds in place, the enterprise established that put it away unheeded. In order to realize the control function of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs can also make a detailed schedule and milepost, control and implementation of enterprise was founded, finished product or service design, prototype production, staff recruitment, supply chain is built, the actual production, first order, first sale, began to profit key link.


  3, plan to modify


  The business plan is formulated based on the development of entrepreneurship environment forecast on the assumption, is likely to face the situation and the serious discrepancy, so the need for appropriate amendments to the business plan. Most enterprises every year to undertake a revision of the long-term plan of the business plan, at least for a check. If the internal and external environment changed, deal with the business plan to amend and improve the overall.
Revised plan, should be the mission, goals, plans and policy change, and these changes of enterprises of the importance of the full and effective communication, and training of enterprise managers and employees, so most people gradually accepted the new plan. And timely work out in support of the new plan the execution of the policies and procedures, and form new project team culture, constantly improve the level of implementation plan.



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