Enterprise target system is the writing tone of business plan

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:30:04
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2211

  The working group should be based on the previous study on chance, make market research through documents or field surveys and other methods, to understand the trend, market prospects, product or service supply, distribution channel, competitors, development target market industry, combined with the entrepreneurial model clear business objectives system, so that the business model can measure standard, establish business plan writing tone.

  According to the length of time is different, the business plan objectives can be divided into short-term goals (1 years), medium-term (3 - 5 years) and long-term (5 years) three. According to different objects, the business plan objectives can be divided into elements of integration, innovation, risk prevention and control target, target enterprise value target of four.

  Detailed business plan objectives and clear, also integrate establishment and elements of business organization. But the inevitable conflict between goals. Such as the conflicts between short-term and long-term goals; factors between integration and value sharing conflict. Entrepreneurs should through the business plan to balance and resolve these conflicts, to grasp the business objectives and the way in general.



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