Effective value sharing mechanism is a key for establishment and coordination optimum value forming network

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:38:49
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2321

  The value of sharing, refers to the business value of the formation of network sharing value-added process, is a key link in the entrepreneurial model. In twenty-first Century the market has entered the era of competition, the competition between modern enterprises has not only for the product or service competition, but as the core enterprise, from the customer, supplier, manufacturing, product sales, after sale service and social responsibility of enterprise whole values form the competition between networks. Sharing mechanism of entrepreneurs only through the unique value, in order to effectively establish and coordinate optimal value forming network, to maximize the comprehensive advantages of entrepreneurial activities, improve the added value of interval, to form a stable value flow.


  1, value added


  Value is a generalization of the concept and measurement, can be explained from different angles. From an economic point of view, the value of entrepreneurship mainly to the customer for the enterprises to provide products or services to pay the total price. Value added, is to complete the mission, entrepreneurial activity must reach the expected results. It is the specific mission of the enterprise, is the choice of business plan based on. The value includes personal value, enterprise value, stakeholder value, social value and etc.. From an economic point of view, can be expressed as the final output of the transaction price less the price of all transaction value input after positive balance.

  Value determines the sustainable development ability of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial mode is the concentrated expression of vitality. The value is greater, the entrepreneurial model advantage is more obvious; value added even negative, entrepreneurial model is difficult to continue. In the process of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs should change the traditional method of setting the value of the target value from the producer or competitors angle, and should be based on clear value real needs and affordability of customer value goal, to guide the formulation of business plans, and then measure the entrepreneurial performance, shared value of entrepreneurship.


  2, the value is obtained


  Value capture, refers to the specific value of the formation of network distribution, entrepreneurs have value-added share of behavior. Its essence is how to deal with the relationship between the formation of entrepreneurial interests of various parties involved in the network and value, specific operation mode to achieve revenue and profit more with less cost. Generally speaking, the value of network formation mainly includes main customers, supply chain, shareholders, employees, society and other interests of entrepreneurs. Among them, the customer is the final value of entrepreneurship can be realized, is a key enterprise value capture. But this award is based on the customers are willing to pay the price and the actual price paid for simple comparison selection decision. The price is reasonable or not is not only related to customer value and entrepreneurs access to space, but also affects the competitors' actions and product market image. Entrepreneurs need to continue to provide more value products, and products to unify the value and price, the appropriate transfer part of the entrepreneurial form value in the maximum business value principle to the customer, and then established beyond customer on product value judgment business advantage, cultivate customer loyalty. Otherwise, the customer and the entrepreneur value formed by switching network will may be broken at any time.

  Factors influencing the product price formation mainly includes market demand, cost, competition, monetary, policy and technology progress. Entrepreneurs need according to the certain entrepreneurial environment, starting from the overall value of the target value, by forecasting, analysis of competitive state of market supply and demand and cost, to the enterprise product or service selection which can not only meet the needs of customers and to meet the development requirements of price. According to the customer value to obtain satisfaction degree, entrepreneurs can take general satisfaction strategy, difference strategy and multi-party satisfaction strategy. Three venture value acquisition strategy not only have their own characteristics and requirements, but also complement each other. Entrepreneurs need to comprehensively consider the cost, demand, competition and value forming way, the choice of an appropriate method in practice. Through the value of sharing, the formation of various types of main network of business value in the value of their own, and the main types of entrepreneurs in the process of value sharing, deepened their value dependencies, promoting the value formation of network stability and benign circulation.


  3, responsibility


  Business model has strong uncertainty, successful business model may realize the enormous value added, but due to various factors, external value losses even quickly lead to enterprise perish. Value loss of value formation of main network relates to the interests, entrepreneurs need to establish effective accountability mechanisms, in order to effectively constraint value to form various subjects in the network behavior, make all kinds of subject to value-added direction of joint efforts, and in the dilemma of risk-sharing, mutual support, reconstruction of value network.

  A successful business model will bring twice the result with half the effort to entrepreneurial effect, but the entrepreneurs should also with the needs of the market, changes in the business environment, competition situation and continuously adjust and upgrade their own business model. Once the business model has some mistakes, entrepreneurs should be as soon as possible from the wrong business model to come out, adjust the direction, to design feasible business model.



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