Value formation is the core content of the entrepreneurial model

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:41:39
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2442

  Value formation, value refers to entrepreneurs through the medium of specific organization forms of investment, allocation and exchange, the formation process of enterprise value. Value is the core content of business model, not the value formation process, any value goal is just castles in the air, empty talk.


  1, organization form


  Organization is the entrepreneur organization and use of various production elements of the mode of production, management, business model and organizational guarantee for curing. A good business model must be confirmed by a certain organization form and function, in order to ensure the stability and sustainable business model. At present, a sole proprietorship, partnership and company's three types of our country enterprise organization form. Because the enterprise organization form has the legality, establishing the enterprise can only choose the legal form of enterprise. No type of law expressly, countries not to recognize and protect. But the three kinds of basic forms of business organization reflects the different levels of productivity development level and the characteristics of the industry, has great difference in the conditions of establishment, investment, debt management, termination, etc.. Entrepreneurs if the illegal enterprise organization form or not suitable for the development of enterprise organization form, may lead to the establishment of cannot or hinder the development of risk. Usually, entrepreneurs need to consider the characteristics of the legal conditions, the establishment of enterprises engaged in industry and business plan, capital requirements, management ability, tax differences and other factors, select the appropriate form of enterprise organization.


  2, the value of investment


  Any value of Chengdu cannot do without the input value, no value input is impossible to form value of media. Value investment generally includes the resources and capacity of two elements. Generally speaking, entrepreneurial resources into tangible resources, intangible resources and human resources three types. Resource conditions of different entrepreneurs face the same entrepreneurial opportunities, may make the different strategic decisions, so that the entrepreneurial advantages and development path of entrepreneurs have difference.

  Entrepreneurs often because they have some advantages, resources or opportunities and create enterprise, but most of the initial resources endowment of entrepreneurs is not complete, acquire resources tend to become the greatest challenge facing the pioneering stage. Entrepreneurs need to determine the number, different types of resources to achieve the required value of media quality, time, sequence and entrepreneurial resources, and on the basis of resource gaps and resources importance degree recognition resource potential suppliers. Access to resources including partnership, purchase, lease, alliances and mergers and acquisitions, entrepreneurs can be selected according to the availability of resources in the market, cost and other factors.

  The resources are mostly fragmented, not systematic before optimization, some resources can be used directly in the process of production, and some of the more complex resources need to be optimized configuration to use. Entrepreneurs need to identify the type of access to resources, expertise, and other resources characteristics and relationship, and reasonable and effective configuration to the most can play its efficiency in the use of place, the formation of the realization of the value of media of the basic production capacity. Such as organization, technology research and development, production, marketing, human, financial, information, risk management. When the basic production capacity constantly in use process become more and more strong, more consistent with the entrepreneurial opportunity and, eventually form the other entrepreneurs to understand and imitate the core business ability, resource utility maximization.


  3, the value of exchange


  The value of the exchange, is refers to the specific value network, the realization of the value of flow behavior by providing something in return. Enterprise value exchange includes the external value and internal value exchange exchange two types. The enterprise's internal, external value exchange network constitute the venture value exchange system, the internal implementation of value exchange is the external value of the exchange foundation and prerequisite for the realization of the realization of the external value of the exchange, is the purpose of the implementation of internal value exchange. To achieve business value, need through the exchange of all kinds of tangible or intangible and internal and external relevant aspects can be realized.



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