Through marketing improvement to effective improve and extend the product life cycle

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:54:22
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2193

  Marketing planning through the implementation of a period of time, and achieved certain results. But the business environment and customer demand will inevitably changes, entrepreneurs have to constantly improve the marketing management, can effectively extend the product life cycle, to launch innovative products timely, maintain business advantage. Marketing improvement generally includes the marketing mix improvement and marketing products to an end two aspects.


  1, marketing mix improvement


  In the product sales process, enterprises should be timely to improve marketing planning according to the life cycle of product, improve service levels. For example, in the growing market, maintain a relatively high price; the period of maturity in the market, can be divided into cut product prices; in the market downturn, can take a variety of promotions to the cost of inventory digestion. Only by improving the marketing combination, improve customer satisfaction in the whole product experience of each "point of contact" cycle, to promote the customer repeat purchase, recommend the purchase of cross-buying and, the maximum extension of the life cycle of the products.

  When the product enters the mature period, can be slightly improved cost introduced on the basis of the original product to reduce product; function basically unchanged, reposition the product segments of the market adjustment; function basically unchanged, extended performance substantially adjusted update type product or function and performance have greatly expanded products. This can guarantee the continuity of the product, but also protect the previous product profit opportunities.


  2, marketing products to an end


  In the sales process, once the product quality defects and other problems, enterprises should be timely implementation of crisis management, the maintenance of market credit. Food, cosmetics, agricultural products, toys, household appliances, medical equipment and vehicles for recall system industry, should be timely recall according to the requirements of consumers, compensation for loss, to eliminate the effect as far as possible, restore market reputation.

  When a product of backward technology, low profit, updating product, customer habits change situation, enterprises need according to the specific circumstances to arrange the products out of the market. The product from the market is not a simple stop selling decision, but is a complex task involving many departments. Enterprises should make a product the delisting decision, set up a special product management team to develop products delisting delisting, management plan, and through the internal meetings, media, dealers, sales team, to the enterprise, customers and partners announced products delisting content and time. Announced after the withdrawal, enterprise should according to gradually stop advertising, sales, production and service, and guide customers to buy the product of new generation.


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