How to carry out marketing plan?

  • Time: 2013-07-31 10:58:49
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2757

  Marketing planning mainly includes two aspects of marketing planning, marketing strategy.

  Marketing planning is clearly sales (Sales), sales growth, market share and profit (profit) qualitative target visibility, reputation and so on quantitative indicators and enhance corporate and brand. If this is a new product on the market, also can set the balance point, the break-even point, profit target point milepost target.

  In order to realize the goal of marketing, the enterprise should use all kinds of controllable factors, the formation of different types of combination strategies. Various kinds of controllable factors in general can be attributed to the product strategy, price strategy, distribution four aspects of channel strategy and promotion strategy.

  Product strategy is mainly refers to guide enterprises in business planning, through the combination and application of quality, brand, appearance of controllable factors, provide for customer demand of the tangible and intangible products and its behavior to the target market. In the marketing mix, product strategy is the core, play a controlling role for other marketing strategy, largely determine and influence the formulation and implementation of other strategies.

  Price strategy is refers to the enterprise according to the business environment, starting from the whole enterprise operation goal, through the forecast, analysis of competitive state of market supply and demand and cost, to the enterprise product or service selection which can not only meet the needs of customers and to meet the price behavior and business requirements. Price includes analysis of price factors, option pricing method, to determine the final price, the price revision and price adjustment of five steps. On the basis of pricing objectives, requirements, cost and price of competitors, enterprises can choose one or several pricing method to solve the pricing problem. According to the customer value get satisfactory degree is different, can make the method base price is divided into general satisfaction oriented, different satisfaction oriented and multi-party satisfaction oriented three types. The base price is one of the important basis of the enterprise price implementation, but also need according to the market situation complex, appropriate price skills to help achieve the price target. Such as, psychological pricing method. Price determined after, enterprises need according to changes in demand and cost conditions, market segmentation, the density of purchase timing and other factors, to amend the price. The main methods include price discounts and allowances, price promotions, new product pricing and product mix pricing method. After the formation of the price structure and strategy of the enterprise, as the production capacity, market competition, the cost of upgrading, such as increased demand situation, enterprises need to adjust the price. Mainly including price, price and price competition with three methods.

  Channel refers to when the product (or service) of mobile from the producer to the final customer or user, organization transfer a set of products and its ownership of interdependent directly or indirectly. Good distribution channels through at the right place at the right quality, quantity and price of supply of goods or services to meet the demand, at the same time, efforts to stimulate demand through a variety of marketing channel members. Distribution channel strategy is mainly based on the analysis of internal and external environment of the channel, customer demand-oriented, distribution for the realization of the target, evaluate and select various alternative channel structure, and developed a new type of distribution channels or process improvement the existing distribution channel organization of commodity circulation. Among them, the channel design hierarchy, structure and management of distribution channel is the main content of distribution channel strategy. Hierarchical structure is established channel process, relationship between structure is maintained on the effectiveness of channel, channel management is to improve the overall efficiency of distribution.

  Marketing is marketing information communication between enterprise and its target market through the communication, in order to influence their attitudes and behavior. The promotion strategy is refers to the enterprise in a variety of effective way to transfer the relevant information to the customer or user, comprehensive strategy to stimulate their purchasing desire and purchasing behavior to achieve their marketing goals. Promotion strategy consists of eight main steps: determining the target audience, to determine the spread of target, design information, communication channels to choose, making promotion budget, decided the promotional mix, measure the results of sales promotion, management and coordination. Marketing mix including advertising, sales promotion, personnel promotion, publicity four main tools. Four kinds of promotional tools have their pros and cons. Advertising promotional publicity is wide, but not directly deal; sales promotion can stimulate consumption demand in the short term, but has some negative effect on the long-term benefits; personnel promotion can direct transactions, but the cost of sales is large; easy to accept the trust publicity, the high customer, but poor initiative enterprises. In order to achieve the sales target, can be based on comprehensive consideration of product market type, push and pull strategy, product life cycle, personnel and capital capacity and promotion object factors, different combinations of the four kinds of tools. Such as, consumer-goods firms generally use to attract strategy, the preferred promotional advertising, sales promotion, it is personnel promotion and publicity; and the management of the means of production enterprises generally adopt the promotion strategy, the preferred personnel promotion, it is sales promotion, advertising promotional and publicity.


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