Matters needing attention in working of production operation system

  • Time: 2013-07-31 11:01:32
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2180

  Operation of the production operation system to enterprises of all production and business activities, in accordance with the basic functions of management, including production planning, production organization and command and production control and coordination of three contents.


  1, the production plan


  According to the demand and the enterprise production and operation ability limit, to anticipate and arrangement of a production operation system and product variety, quantity, quality, output speed, output time, labor and equipment configuration and inventory problem. Manufacturing enterprise production plan mainly includes comprehensive plan, the main production plan and material requirement plan three.

 2,In supply chain management


  Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods, capital, information on suppliers, distributors and customers in the network. The five part generally includes establishment of chain management strategy, supply and construction of upstream supplier relationship system, formulate the enterprise product production process, establish relationships with downstream buyers and problem formulation process. Deal well with procurement management, distribution management, e-commerce etc..


  3, equipment management


  In accordance with the goal of enterprise management, through a series of technical, economic and organizational measures, the equipment life cycle of all the equipment material movement patterns and the value of comprehensive management work. Enterprise equipment and material movement patterns of management refers to the selection of equipment, the purchase (homemade equipment including research, design, manufacture of equipment, installation, commissioning, acceptance), use, maintenance, repair, update, transform and scrap the whole process management; enterprise value movement form management refers to the equipment investment decision, self-made fee, maintenance, repair costs, depreciation costs, occupancy tax and renovation financing to the expenditure is used, economic management of enterprise equipment, make the most of economic total cost in life cycle.


  4, job scheduling


  That is to determine the specific processing sequence in each device on the work of each device, every day and work. Mainly includes two kinds of basic forms of labor job scheduling and production scheduling. Labor scheduling is to determine when the working personnel; production scheduling is the different parts to different devices or arrangements, different people do different jobs.


  5, inventory management


  Inventory is used to reserve material in the future sales or use (including raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and other different forms). According to the role of stock is different, can be divided into inventory, safe inventory, adjust inventory and in-transit inventory four. There are both advantages and disadvantages. As a result of inventory, enterprises must take control of inventory, which not only for business use, and do not bring too much negative impact for the enterprise. Reduce the basic strategies of inventory include reducing the order quantity, order time as close as possible to the demand time, order quantity as close as possible to the demand, changes in production speed and needs to agree, shorten the production and distribution cycle.


  6, quality management


  That is the quality of command and control organization coordinated activities. Generally includes the management responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement analysis and improvement in four aspects. The IS09000 standard is the quality management and quality assurance standards. In order to integrate with the international market, the State Bureau of technical supervision is equivalent to the IS09000 (Group) standard, released the GB/T19000 IS09000:2000 family standards. To strengthen the enterprise quality management work of quality management system certification, to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, help enterprise self improvement and ability promotion.


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