The main aspects of production and operation system design

  • Time: 2013-07-31 11:06:02
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2015

  After determining the production operation plan, to design and production operation system. Including the production and operation of technology selection, production process design, production capacity planning, facility location and layout design, etc..


  1, product design


  According to the product planning, enterprises need to further determine the product's basic structure, performance parameters and technical indicators, manufacturing process and product. Product development and design consists of four basic steps, idea or project feasibility study, product design and process design. In today's product design should pay attention to how to prevent harm, raw materials and components to the environment can be reused, the product easy to repair and minimal packaging, to maximize the conservation of energy and material etc..


  2, process design


  The selection and design of the input is transformed into a resource, combination, resources, logistics and information flow output required for. Mainly includes the process time, bottleneck, idle time, production capacity and its balance, production cycle, production batch, job switching time.


  3, technology selection


  Production technology is put into production method transformation, is a decisive factor in production and operation ability. Production and operation of technology options include technology selection, technology introduction (buy) three aspects of selection and technical position selection.


  3, the ability to plan


  Production and operation ability is refers to the enterprise in certain production operation condition, the maximum number of each internal enterprise production operation link after comprehensive balance can produce a certain type of product or service. The decision method of different enterprises capacity planning is different, but generally at least need to go through four steps: estimate the future capacity needs, between the demand and existing capacity difference, make the candidate ability plan, evaluation of each scheme and make the final choice.


  4, work design


  Job design is to design and to in order to effectively achieve organizational goals and meet the individual needs of the work content, work function and working relationship. The central idea of job design is the main job enrichment, job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment method.


  5, work study


  Work study refers to the use of the method of system analysis to exclude unreasonable factors work, not economic, chaos, seeking a better job, more economical, more easily, in order to improve the productivity of the system. Its basic objective is to avoid waste, including time, human, material, financial and other forms of waste. Work study method and time of two categories. Research work includes the research object; determine the research target; recording current method; analysis, design and use of the new method; six steps method.


  6, facility location


  Facilities refers to the production and operation system of factory, office building, workshop, equipment, warehouse and other substance. Facility location refers to how to use scientific methods to determine the location of facilities, and make the whole production enterprise combining management system, in order to effectively, economy to achieve business objectives. It includes the selection and addressing the questions of two levels. Main factors affecting the selection of the market, the supply of raw materials, transportation, labor resources, infrastructure conditions, climatic conditions, and the association of manufacturers of relative position, policy conditions; main factors when addressing including scalability, geological conditions, the surrounding circumstances, environmental protection etc..


  7, facility layout


  In a given range of facilities, location arrangement of a plurality of economic unit. Economic activity unit refers to any entity to occupy the space needs, including man, machine, working table, channel, tools etc.. Type arrangement depends largely on the production and operation of the company organization, the main process object specialization, product layout object specialization layout, hybrid layout, arrangement of four types of fixed.


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