Project closeout can release the project resources, and to create the market environment for the new products sales largely

  • Time: 2013-07-31 11:10:38
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1946

  After the success of the listing of new products, enterprises should implement experience through project summary of the project, the release of project resources, and create new products into the market a large number of sales environment.


  1, project evaluation


  After the listing of new products for a period of time, the product development team should be based on market conditions to apply for listing after evaluation. In general, after the listing of new products from 1 to 3 months for the first time after the listing of evaluation, evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing strategy and market plan quality, possibility to judge the project achieve the objectives listed expected. In the new product market after six months to a year after the listing of second review, verification of new products to market success. After the listing, listed by review generally extend time and termination of the listing of three results, is to transfer projects and product development team performance assessment. Through new products listed after the review has become conventional products, the transfer of enterprises production, marketing department daily management.


  2, the project is terminated


  The project through the review or the termination of listing, the end product development project. After the termination of the project, the product development team should be the project, project assets and related information to departments of enterprise management, and make the termination of the plan, the project summary, results of recognition, team communication, team disbanded etc.. However, the core members of the product development team, especially the product manager, should be routine sales team to remain in the product, in order to further tap the value space of the product.


  3, technology platform development


  Technology platform, was designed to verify the system a set of services in the development of applications, including documents, drawings, knowledge base and resource management application system. Excellent technology platform can greatly reduce the R & D and production cost, improve the development speed and quality of new products on the market, accelerate the emerging opportunities reaction and satisfaction, enhance the core business ability. Technology platform for the development of procedures generally include: relationship between product function, product classification, product features and product technical analysis, sharing technology, sharing extraction technology standardization, sharing technology development, the technology platform, technology platform and improve the verification.


  4, the protection of intellectual property rights


  Technological innovation is a kind of technology and economic resources, this resource can bring immediate economic benefits to the enterprise, also can increase the entrepreneurial ability and subject quality brought forward or potential economic benefits to the enterprise. If not using the intellectual property rights protection, product developers spend a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources to develop the technological innovation may soon be domestic and foreign peers or competitors imitate or use, not only will the loss of technology trade income, also will make the product developers entrepreneurial ability greatly weakened. Therefore, in the process of technological innovation should pay attention to intellectual property management.

  In order to prevent competitors in the understanding of technical information, to use or produce the same technological products to occupy the market, every technology relates to product developers to deal with the product development process are well prepared for a patent application, for the first time to apply for patent in all technology, and to prevent competitors to pre-empt the application. The patent type has different provisions in different countries, our country invention patent, utility model patent and design patent three types. A patent is a definite rights granted to the national statutory authorities according to law, has uniqueness and exclusiveness in within the scope of protection, through licensing and transfer to recover the investment in technical innovation. But the patent has "three" requirements and regional, time limit, namely the invention and utility model patent right is granted, must possess the characteristics of novelty, creativity and practicality; patent is valid only in the granting country range, other countries do not undertake any obligation of protection; after the term of validity of patent protection, patent rights people enjoy the will automatically lose, generally can not be renewed, other people can freely use the patented product.

  In the process of technological innovation, may also have some is not known to the public, can bring economic benefits to the obligee, technical information and business information which is practical. Such as, technical know-how, technical process, design drawings, technical data, manufacturing method, technical information, technical information. These implicit not published in the knowledge of the right to take security measures that constitute the commercial secrets. The business secret protection tend to do better than the protection of patent, copyright, trademark, much more difficult, but it has not need approval procedures and fees, there is no "three" requirements, not open to the public, no region and time limit etc.. In practice, some means of protection of commercial secrets for: imitation of advanced technology has not publicly technology; "sex" is not strong; the short term is difficult to see through or imitation technology; complete technology of large-scale complex.

  Because of patent and trade secret has its advantages and disadvantages, in practice often according to the different content of technical innovation achievement respectively take different protection methods, in order to obtain the optimal protection. If, on the periphery of the surrounding technology, content, the patent protection mode; the core technology is a commercial secret protection.

  In addition, in the technical innovation at the same time, must be timely registered trademark. Scientific works, engineering design, product design and specification, computer software, must choose the copyright protection. After the cooperative R & D, according to the ownership of intellectual property rights of contract and law to determine the outcome of research and. Competition for patent infringement, should be timely tort warning or bring a lawsuit to the judicial organ, forcing them to stop the infringement, tort compensation payments, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.


  5, the diffusion of technological innovation


  Automatic generation of economic effect produced in the process of technological innovation technological innovation can't, it only to obtain the value of income through widely spread and application in the enterprise, and to. The effective combination of any kind of innovation diffusion successfully depends on the product technology, process technology and marketing technology. Otherwise, diffusion of a technology is often difficult to success. For example, the technology innovation in the enterprise market ability than outside, because the production process caused by the failure of major changes in technology diffusion. With the increase of complexity increase enterprises' technology innovation and technology diffusion, the effective management of technical innovation achievements directly affect the success of technological innovation.


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