The main part of the product development project

  • Time: 2013-07-31 11:31:01
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2953

  1, product design


  Product design is through analysis, synthesis and creation process, the customer needs into a specific carrier. Based on the product definition clear, product design mainly includes four aspects the function design, appearance design, brand design and reverse evaluation, and the formation of engineering drawings and technical documents accordingly.

  Product design can be divided into several types according to the different way. According to contain the new knowledge to different extent, the design can be divided into the original design, improved design, retrofit design three types. The original design is created by nature or the principle of design activity is different from existing products. This may change the market or even monopoly market, but the risk is very high, have the capability of enterprises is extremely rare; improved design refers to the transformation of existing products according to the market demand structure. This is the most common and universal product design; variant design refers to some parameters of the products (such as size, shape, material, control mode) to change, without changing the original structure of the product. Design the method commonly used in the series of products and related products.

  Modern complex product structure, advanced technology, high precision, reliability, maintainability, safety, cost and benefit, the strict requirements of. Product development team should adhere to the functional design, safety design, suitable for experience design, simplicity of design, design, appearance design, economic design and standardization design principles in the design process, customer demand as the driving, product features as the basic content, increase the probability of product manufacturing and listed on the success of.


  2, trial verification


  Trial test, is after the success of new product development, testing for multiple aspects of product, market and production, to find defects and problems, timely corrective, reduce project risk, improve the success rate of new products listed. Pilot test is the last stage decides whether the products should be listed, for the delivery of a meet critical customer and market demand for new products.


  3, small batch production


  Trial verification test product correct the defects and problems of the product itself, the customer's preference, to prove the feasibility of the listing plan, but also need through trial production system, production inspection enterprises of batch production of new products. Trial production of the main test and evaluation of production process, raw materials, spare parts, outside manufacturers, production feasibility skills, production personnel, production capacity and product cost, timely find and solve the production problems.

  Try the necessity of producing can make decisions according to the nature of the new product. If a new product and before the production of the similar products, the main use of the existing production system for production, you can only do a simple test pilot. If a new product category that had never produced, or the need to build a new production line and adopt a new production process, it needs to be tested on the scale of production capacity.


  4, the stakeholder test


  Influence of new products listed on the success of the major stakeholders suppliers, competitors, complementary, managers and influence. The main purpose of stakeholder test is to evaluate the effect of these factors on new product launch, take effective measures to solve the problem in time, establish a risk response measures, reduce the new products to market risk, improve the success rate of new products to market.


  5, public decision making


  After the trial test, small batch production and stakeholder testing, product can consider the batch production. But in this process, the product development team should be able to obtain more accurate data and key technical data. Such as product cost, sales price, sales volume and market phase necessary funding and other key data; process documents, process equipment, detection means, standardization, production organization and other technical information. Based on these data and information, the product development team to identification of the products, improve product design and project analysis report, to ensure that the mass production and market smoothly.

  After the new products through the identification, product development team to the enterprise decision-making layer listing review. If the project analysis of the market environment has undergone fundamental change, performance of the product even in trial verification, not affected by the emotional factors to approve the listing decision, avoid the huge market losses. If the market environment for the listing of new products, can make the public decision-making.


  6, mass production


  Through the listing decision after review, the new products have entered the stage of mass production. Mass production of work involved personnel, large investment, complex task, need to make careful plan of production to improve the efficiency of the supply chain, reduce the production cost, coordinating the work of various departments.


  7, the products listed


  After the new products through the listing decision review, officially listed for sale. Listed on stage can be divided into the listed listed and the scale of two stages, the duration is generally 6 - 12 months. The listing of new products including the listing plan, implementation and evaluation of listed listed three stages.


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