Transmission and feedback of information resources

  • Time: 2013-07-31 11:39:16
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1861

  1, information transmission


  Information refers to the information provider as a starting point, through a transmission medium or carrier, process the information transfer information receiver. The transmission of information is an important condition for the realization of the value of information resources. Only after the transfer, information resources can become the leadership decision-making, organization and command and control of the premise. According to the characters of the media of information transmission, the information transfer transfer for personnel transfer and non personnel. In today's global information society, more and more people use the electronic communication system the information transfer. With the advent of Internet, network security issues become more prominent. If the virus infection and software failure, the staff abuse of information system, external unauthorized access, theft or fraud, or computer system failure data destruction. In order to ensure the information security, enterprise should make the security policy and implement. Security policy includes two aspects of management information access and achieve business continuity. Management information access to information is stolen or naturally or half unconsciously to be removed; if not enough information protection measures, business continuity and disaster recovery management is to control the hacker or malicious delete employees for information, computer virus, terrorist acts or irresistible cause failure events, and to ensure that in a major accident damage the work environment or IT system, and the information technology, lost, damaged, commercial activities to continue, so as to minimize the loss. Main measures to ensure the information security in the computer virus management, e-mail management, end-user support, information service outsourcing, software review, data backup.


  2, information feedback


  The recipient of the information feedback information to or understanding of information and feedback to the sender, the sender to check for. The sender then sends information, to be sure the original information transfer success, or that some deviation has issued and corrected. So reciprocating caused a series of information flow between sender, recipient. Management system only through recycling to achieve information flow of information feedback, to adjust control decision, implement the value of information, to achieve the ultimate goal of management.


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