Information storage and retrieval

  • Time: 2013-07-31 11:40:39
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1933

  1, information storage


  Information storage is the information will be saved, for future applications, to improve efficiency in the use of information. No information storage, there is no information resources, not to mention the information resources allocation and utilization. The information store process information database establishment process. Through the storage form information base for update, deletion and duplication of information using a database management system. Information storage with manual information storage, file information storage, database information storage and data warehouse storage mode in four ways. Before computers were invented, manual storage is the main information storage, will play an important role in the present and the future; file information storage is the foundation of computer to store information; database storage mode for better information on the organization and management, to achieve a large number of effective data query, modify and other operations; information stored in data warehouse is to organize information from the point of decision making, information can use more convenient to be top decision makers.

  Because the information is an important resource, information is an important problem to prevent theft of information maintenance. Method of safety protection including physical limits, the operating system function and function of the database management system based on limit etc.. In addition, the need to strengthen the confidentiality of education, enhance the security awareness, establish security system, improve the security measures, to achieve the confidential information enclosed within the specified range.


  2, information retrieval


  Information retrieval is to find and access to information, and information storage is two things. Storage is to retrieval, retrieval depends on the storage. On the basis of retrieval, information retrieval can be divided into manual retrieval and machine retrieval two categories. At present, the manual retrieval proportion drops gradually, gradually increase the proportion of machine retrieval.


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