Collection and processing of information resource

  • Time: 2013-07-31 14:48:21
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1962

  1, information collection


  Information collection is the basis of information processing, directly decide and influence the quantity and quality of information processing. Many methods of information collection, such as discussion, observation, accumulation, buy, participants, social networking, online retrieval, computer network, should be combined with proper methods and demand their own choice in practical work.


  2, information processing


  The process of information processing is to discard the false and retain the true, discard the dross and select the essential, proceed from the one to the other, from the outside to the inside of a collection of information. Only an accurate, timely collection of information processing, can provide a certain economic benefits for the enterprise users; otherwise, the users will fall into a wrong path, resulting in greater losses.

  In the information processing, the processing function of depth can be the processing, business processing and decision making process into three categories: pretreatment processing. A pre information or statistical data processing, statistical information after processing to become useful information for decision.


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