Through comprehensive analysis and evaluation, to provide decision support for the information resource planning

  • Time: 2013-07-31 14:50:45
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2406

  The information resources of enterprise information resource requirements and the source was analyzed and evaluated comprehensively, provide decision-making basis for the information resource planning.


  1, demand analysis


  The information demand of enterprise information resources allocation basis, the demand analysis mainly includes determining the information service object, determine the content, scope and quantity of information collection. The information service object includes the decision layer, management layer and operation layer information demand three aspects. Decision level information needs most from outside the enterprise, such as information and entrepreneurship strategy macro market information, policy information, competitor information; management information needed most from the enterprise, such as change of personnel information, project information, financial information, purchase information and the daily management of enterprise information operation layer; the needed information is to ensure the work can be carried out smoothly and must understand the business information, such as the production process information, production process information, information, education and training planning task information, business skills, information etc..


  2, source analysis


  Source of information is the information source, information source analysis is the way, selection of information collected on the basis of demand analysis strategy system and tools. Information sources have different classification standard, the enterprise boundary is the boundary can the information source is divided into internal information and external information source source. Internal sources of information, such as the management, production, marketing, information, technology and other departments, internal information of enterprises, and the information network, administrative departments, organizations and agencies, the individual channels, foreign channels, mass media, consumer, competitor, advisory bodies and other external sources of information can provide external information for enterprises.


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