How to optimize the investment combination in the financing amount?

  • Time: 2013-07-31 14:55:15
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2424

  The core problem is financing resources investment in a certain amount of time, adjust the capital investment of time, the amount of investment and investment direction, portfolio optimization. The portfolio is a collection of various enterprises in the total investment in the form of a certain proportion. The choice of investment form depends on liquidity, assets to the expected level of risk return and assets of the three factors. Liquidity refers to the assets converted from one form into another form of flexible degree; expected return rate is expected to make the enterprise assets in the investment before the return; expected assets return rate is lower than the actual rate of return, means that investment has risk. In addition to liquidity, the financial asset portfolio, a rational behavior rule is: a portfolio, if no other portfolio in the same risk condition, can provide a higher expected return; or in the same level of revenue, with less risk, then, this portfolio is the effective combination.


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