Financial analysis can provide important financial information for improvement of financial resource allocation and optimization of economic decision making

  • Time: 2013-07-31 15:02:04
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2206

  Financial analysis is based on the accounting and reporting data and other related data as the basis, using a series of specialized analysis techniques and methods, evaluate and analyse the enterprise operating results, financial situation, reflect the advantages and disadvantages of the development trend of enterprise in the process of operation, so as to provide important financial information to improve enterprise financial resource allocation and optimization of economic decision making. Financial analysis including internal financial environment analysis and external financial environment analysis of two aspects.


   1, Analysis of internal financial environment


  The enterprise internal financial environment factors include the board of directors on the financial structure of view, need to maintain good relationship and matching the necessity and the overall business objectives of financial strategy and investor. The main analysis methods including financial index analysis, financial analysis of two categories. Analysis of the financial index analysis includes the solvency of enterprises, operating capacity, profitability, development capacity; comprehensive financial analysis include DuPont analysis, comprehensive evaluation method of financial status two.


  2, Analysis of external financial environment


  External financial environment factors including government influence, situation of legislation regulations, economic status. The government does not directly participate in the management of the enterprise, but the government use economic policy and tax policy there is a strong indirect impact on organizational affairs; related to business, tax, employee health, safety and consumer laws and regulations not only affect the behavior of enterprises, but also affect the relationship between shareholders, creditors, managers, employees and the public, and may cause additional costs; economic status usually includes the effects of inflation, interest rates and exchange rates on financial resources allocation.


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