How to attract and retain good employees through the salary management?

  • Time: 2013-07-31 15:10:01
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2804

  The salary is the enterprise in the form of currency to pay employees engaged in a variety of monetary income of enterprises required labor and all kinds of service and the welfare of concrete. The salary system is the most important activity and incentive function of human resource management functions, scientific salary system to attract and retain talented employees needs of enterprises, improve and mobilize employees' enthusiasm, creativity; otherwise it would lead to low morale, unstable people, efficiency.

  The salary management, is refers to the organization provided for all staff service determined that they should get wages and salary structure and salary form process. Including salary survey, salary orientation, compensation model, compensation structure, compensation system implementation process.

  Salary survey is the basis, a reliable decision of compensation plan, divided into two aspects of internal market and external market research survey. Internal investigation is mainly to the enterprise objectives, and performance related degree, personnel positioning, economic capacity, staff, key sectors and key posts, as well as the internal pay structure, level, gap, fairness, satisfaction survey and analysis. The best choice of objects outside investigation of similar companies a competitive relationship with the company or industry, focus on employee turnover fate and recruitment sources. Salary survey data, will have annual wage growth condition, comparison of different compensation structure, different positions and different levels of salary data, bonus and welfare state, long-term incentive compensation and future trend analysis.

  According to the salary survey, enterprises need to refer to the local market and competitor salary market salary level to determine the compensation positioning itself. Salary levels include the market lead, follow the market, cost oriented, mixed compensation four types. Enterprises generally use the market follower strategy, namely determine salary position the company according to the market average. The strategy business risk is relatively small, but it is difficult to attract talented people.

  After the determination of compensation, need to further determine the compensation mode and compensation structure. Compensation model generally consists of post wage system, piece rate wage, post wage system, wage system, the ability of function of salary, performance salary, salary system and salary system type. The compensation structure mainly consists of high elasticity, high stability and harmonization of three types. In the senior management of enterprises constitute the enterprise operator groups, suitable for high elastic compensation structure, compensation mode to share out bonus system and annual salary system, which includes the high fixed basic salary, incentive, long-term performance benefits, to mobilize their work enthusiasm, to prevent the moral hazard behavior of marketing personnel should also be used; high elastic structure, compensation mode can use performance salary, the salary income and sales performance, fully arouse the enthusiasm of the staff is not easy to quantify; functions, suitable for high and stable compensation structure, compensation mode can adopt the post salary system, the salary income is relatively steady, enhance employees' sense of security; technology personnel and production staff of the quality and quantity of work is directly related to the enterprise product quality and profitability, the harmonic compensation structure, compensation mode should use post skill salary and performance related or piecework wage system, and with the appropriate bonus compensation, broadband salary.

  The beginning stages often fail to give employees the attractive salary standard, but in compensation, the appropriate use of non economic compensation and long-term incentive means, construct a relaxed and active, mutual respect and communication work atmosphere, so that employees and establish common values and norms of behavior, in order to improve employee loyalty. Non economic compensation includes clear job security, challenging work, comfortable working environment, training and education opportunities, credible occupation development, good welfare system. Long term incentives include: employee stock option plan, stock appreciation rights, phantom stock plan, stock options and long-term profit sharing etc..

  In the formulation and implementation of the compensation system, communication, the necessary publicity and training time is the guarantee of the successful factors of salary system. The entrepreneurial organization can use salary system question and answer, staff meeting, satisfaction, internal publications and BBS forums, fully Introduction Company executive compensation and compensation design of each step results. Only by adhering to the principle of fair process compensation system development and implementation, to weaken the family type management business organization, won the trust and support staff.


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