Appropriate staff training can effectively improve the business performance

  • Time: 2013-07-31 15:14:11
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2556

  Staff training by means of imparting knowledge, renewing the concept and improving skills and other methods, which has completed the present and future work necessary basic skills, and improve the performance of a series of activities. Capacity development is the basis for the potential development needs of employees and organization goal with all kinds of direct or indirect method for employee development, promote the all-round development of employees, employee occupation career planning, employee occupation career development goals. Staff development training and the ability to completely separate, both of which are to pass to promote the employee's ability to work to promote the common development of employees and enterprises.

  Enterprises to strengthen to the appropriate input to the training of staff, not only can improve the adaptability of the staff to the work and loyalty to the enterprise, also can adjust the balance of knowledge structure of employees through training and development system of science, make staff knowledge and skills upgrading, amplification effect of 1+1 > 2, effectively improve the performance of an enterprise. Training development process includes demand analysis, training planning, training, training evaluation, feedback to maintain links. Entrepreneurial organizations often have no training and development system, the general use of outsourcing of training or coaching training for.


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