How to improve the quality of staff recruitment

  • Time: 2013-07-31 15:15:18
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2737

  Recruitment is according to the requirements of the incumbent quality human resource planning allocation and job description for the process of enterprise recruiting staff. Recruitment is the basis of employee selection, recruitment quality directly affects the quality of employees. Recruitment is a very difficult work, including the development of recruitment plans, recruitment office confirmed the evaluation standard, determine the evaluation plan, implement the recruitment, recruitment process evaluation report. The recruitment process in addition to save cost, improve efficiency, but also should pay attention to comply with the relevant provisions of labor law, adhere to equal employment, two-way selection, fair competition, merit principle, establish the integrity of the enterprise, to win the trust of the applicant.

  In the recruitment, enterprises should prepare detailed job requirements and job descriptions, avoid subjective preference to recruit staff, ensure the recruitment fair. Priority should be given to the internal recruitment recruitment channels, so as to improve the enthusiasm of the staff. If no suitable talent, must carry out recruitment through external sources. For the general staff, the talent market, the media advertising, campus recruitment are suitable for the recruitment channels, which is the key to the uniqueness and advantages of the development of enterprises show to attract applicants. For the important position of talent is the VC recommendation, employees and acquaintances introduced, headhunting more targeted recruitment. In the recruitment, attention should be paid to allow candidates to have a comprehensive understanding of the enterprise, the real, not in order to retain talent, just let the candidates to see good enterprise "bright" side and to work, should also let them understand some problems of enterprises, especially to be engaged in the work of difficulties. So the candidates according to the comprehensive information, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, to make a choice, not because the future reality and imagination too far behind, so that they have a psychological gap. For the right candidates, the enterprise should with the signing of labor contracts, and in a specified period of time to the Department of labor and social security for employment formalities, prevent conclude invalid labor contract.



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