How to carry out the job design of entrepreneurial organization?

  • Time: 2013-07-31 15:24:04
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2445

  Organizing job design including the position setting and position instruction two links.


  1, a set of jobs


  According to the decision making process and reporting relationships, on the various functional units or departments of refinement in its interior, further into the position's responsibilities. A set of jobs have many options, the typical organizational analysis, mission critical method, process optimization method and benchmarking method etc.. In the use of these methods for functional decomposition process, need to follow completely exhausted, independent, business operation three principles, but don't be addicted to the details of the design.


  2, job description


  Each functional unit or department of the first responsible person in the basic position, the positions of responsibility for written expression and confirmed by job description form, make the organization of entrepreneurial planning further implemented. Job description includes job descriptions, purpose, main functions, performance areas, requirements etc..



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