The appropriate corporate governance mode ensure the appropriateness of business planning and its decomposition, transfer and Implementation

  • Time: 2013-07-31 15:46:33
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2706

  In general, the partners shall bear unlimited joint and several liability for the debts of the partnership, and enjoy equal rights to the execution of the partnership affairs, governance structure is relatively simple. And the company as a commercial organization independent subject, trust between the owner and the manager, agent to internal power allocation is an important and complex problem. Such as, property rights, transaction, a shareholder, insider control, key control, incentive and constraint effect. A series of institutional arrangements between corporate governance mode as the shareholders' meeting, board of directors, the board of supervisors and managers of the responsibilities, rights and interests, directly determines the enterprise resource allocation and operation mechanism. Reasonable corporate governance mode in favor of the shareholders of the enterprise (large) between institutions and to establish an effective authority, to ensure proper business planning and decomposition layers, transfer and implementation in the operation level, to the decisive role to the efficient functioning of enterprises and entrepreneurship lifting. Corporate governance mainly includes two aspects of governance structure and governance mechanism of content.


  1, governance structure


  Corporate governance structure is a kind of contact and regulate shareholders, board of directors, senior management personnel and distribution rights and obligations, and the recruitment and selection, supervision issues such as system framework. Different countries due to historical and cultural traditions, economic development strategy, capital structure is different, so the basic structure of corporate governance is not the same. The corporate governance structure of our country is the use of "separation of the three powers" system, namely, decision-making, management right, right of supervision of the shareholders' meeting, board of directors or executive directors, board of supervisors. Good corporate governance structure should enable the company did not free men, no organization or institution constraint. The balance of power, the three organs duties and restrict each other, Surety Company run smoothly.


  2, governance mechanism


  Governance: shareholders meeting, board of directors or executive director, operation rules of the board of supervisors, there are two main aspects of incentive mechanism and supervision mechanism. Corporate governance is the incentive mechanism and supervision mechanism of organic combination contribute to the. Established in the legal, economic and market conditions, whether the incentive mechanism and the supervisory mechanism to achieve a reasonable combination to become the key to the efficiency of corporate governance. But the mechanism of corporate governance effectiveness and incentive mechanism and supervision mechanism is not the simple sum of governance mechanism, more more not included the better. But according to different conditions of legal, economic and market environment, and continuously improve the combination of various governance factors, to get the maximum profit with the minimum control cost control.



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