The main way of endogenous financing and its selection

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:12:33
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1932

  1, the retained earnings financing


  Retained earnings, is the enterprise created in the process of operation, but the need of business development or due to legal reasons, not allocated to the owner and retained in the profitability of the company, including two parts of surplus reserve and undistributed profit. Retained earnings is the most important internal accumulation, enterprises use retained earnings losses, increase the capital (or stock) and the distribution of dividends. Retained earnings financing although the scale is limited, but the financing cost is low, the risk small, convenient for independent, enterprises should as far as possible to improve the proportion of retained earnings in the profit allocation process. The distribution of profits, the net profit enterprises, in accordance with the distribution form and the distribution order of the provisions of the national financial system, distribution between the state, enterprises and investors, including the extraction of surplus reserves, two aspects of dividend distribution.


  2, depreciation and financing


  Depreciation does not increase the size of funds of enterprises, but the depreciation method, not only can directly receive a sum of money available, but also can use the depreciation tax effect increases the accumulation of enterprise, alleviate the financial pressure to a certain extent. Factors affecting the depreciation amount of financing has many aspects, including the method of depreciation depreciation range, the original value of fixed assets, and the estimated useful life and working capacity etc..


  3, accounts receivable financing


  Accounts receivable financing, is refers to the enterprise will own the accounts receivable financing conditions are transferred to specialized institutions, to obtain the required funds. The accounts receivable financing, enterprises can be invigorated the stock assets, cash support for normal operation, at the same time, improve enterprise financial structure, improve enterprise entrepreneurial ability, is an important way to enhance the ability of sustainable development, enterprise development cycle. At present, the accounts receivable financing mainly accounts receivable factoring, accounts receivable and accounts receivable securitization etc.. In addition, there are accounts receivable trust loans and receivables to discounted notes receivable and other channels based on, higher requirements for the enterprise's credit level, application field co..


  4, commercial credit financing


  Commercial credit financing, refers to enterprises to take advantage of the trust, the deferred payment or advance payment in the commodity trading (delay) etc, to raise funds to the customer behavior. Commercial credit financing mainly include accounts receivable financing, accounts payable, notes payable financing financing three forms.


  5, assets mortgage financing


  Pawn, refers to households when their movable, property rights as a pledge or when the real estate as the mortgaged to the pawn line, delivery fee, made when payment, and in the agreed period when the interest payment, reimbursement when gold, when the act of redemption. Pawn financing assets in general include: automotive, real estate, securities, gold and silver jewelry, jewelry, watches, high-end cameras, high-grade appliances, instruments, electronic IT products etc.. Pawn process mainly includes the trial when, when, when, receiving inspection custody and redeem several links.


  6, employee stock ownership financing


  Employee stock ownership plan, is refers to the enterprise employees subscribed capital the enterprise ownership or property rights, and enjoy the residual claim right of an enterprise management system and management participation right. The employee stock ownership system can not only alleviate the conflict between labor and capital, incentive mechanism, the implementation of corporate restructuring, to prevent the hostile takeover, and is the important channel of capital accumulation, optimize the structure of property rights. At present, China has not to guide and standardize the management and operation of definite laws and regulations of the employee stock ownership, make our employee stock ownership trust shareholding, shareholding in shell companies, trade unions (ESOP will) share different models and solution. Entrepreneurs can policy in the range of law, needs flexible formulation and implementation of appropriate of employee stock ownership plan in its.


  7, the internal capital market financing


  Internal capital market, is refers in order to maximize the value of the whole, the money together to enterprises through the establishment of reporting center, settlement center, internal bank, financial company or the cash pool and other forms, and depending on the division or subsidiary investment opportunities, will allocate funds to the most profitable division. Has been a considerable size or listed enterprises can form groups through equity connection mode, establishment of internal capital market and internal equity financing, debt and assets.

  Overall, the endogenous financing is a financing channel of choice, but Chinese enterprises generally lack for endogenous capital enthusiasm, endogenous financing ratio low. This is mainly due to the overall performance level of enterprises in China is relatively low, resulting in problems of retained earnings is not high and the operators such as adverse selection and moral hazard. Endogenous financing is the foundation of external finance, to solve the difficult problem of corporate finance, the key is to strengthen internal financing ability. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to standardize the governance structure, perfect the enterprise system, strengthen management, increase operating performance, a self accumulation mechanism effectively, gradually increase the proportion of endogenous financing and their financing ability, make the enterprise entered a virtuous cycle.


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