Cross combination of various financing channels can often solve economic problem, reduce the business risk

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:13:46
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2227

  In a market economy, enterprises need through certain channels to raise funds and the formation of a specific property relations. Certain financing channels tend to form one or several property relations, a certain property right relationship and often apply to particular financing channel of one or several. Various financing mode has its unique features, applicable scope, financing cost and additional condition factors, entrepreneurs need to consider their own characteristics and the risk bearing capacity of the choice of the financing way. In actual operation, the cross combination of various financing channels can often solve economic problem, reduce the business risk.


  1, the financing channels


  Starting from the perspective of financing channels, financing methods can be divided into internal financing and external financing two major categories. Generally speaking, enterprise financing is also the economic development by the endogenous financing to exogenous financing to internal financing alternating change process. Early stage venture mainly rely on internal financing. When the enterprise development to a certain extent, have certain capital accumulation capacity and risk tolerance by exogenous financing, with the help of external capital to expand the production scale, improve entrepreneurial ability. When the enterprise asset size reached a certain extent, enterprises will gradually reduce the amount of external financing, to rely on their own strong accumulation fund development.


  2, property right relationship


  According to the forming process of financing the different fund property rights, corporate financing can be divided into equity financing, debt financing and mixed financing, but in essence, is mainly equity financing and debt financing in two categories. Equity capital and debt capital ratio is the most important capital structure ratio. In general, the higher the proportion of equity funds, risk, the management risk of the enterprise and the creditors are small, the financial risk of the enterprise, the enterprise is more likely to obtain debt capital and lower cost of funds; on the contrary, the risk the management risk of the enterprise and the creditors increase, enterprise financial risk reduction. When income investment market opportunity and enterprise rate preference circumstances, enterprises can be as much as possible the use of debt funds to expand production, make the limited equity funds play a greater role. When the creditor that the equity capital ratio to unacceptable levels, creditors will refuse to lend. In actual operation, legal capital determines the minimum equity capital ratio, each participant based on consultation determine a reasonable proportion of equity capital and debt capital.

  Capital structure determines the solvency of enterprises, financing capability and profitability. Entrepreneurs need to capital structure of the enterprise development, comprehensive survey of financial security and with the industry's most outstanding enterprises, through the choice of the financing way to gradually realize the optimal capital structure, so as to maximize the mobilization of the enthusiasm of the stakeholders, and make the lowest financing cost, financing risk minimization, financing income. Entrepreneurs can be calculated by various financing mode of the weighted average cost of capital, and implementation approaches the minimum solution of realization of the optimal capital structure.


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