The three aspects of optimizing enterprise human quality

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:17:56
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2642

  Team culture is the sum total of the formation, in the long-term business activities, and for all the team members to recognize and follow values, occupation moral and behavioral norms. Entrepreneurial team members often have different background, experience, knowledge structure, technical expertise, and even from different culture and language, they are independent and can not replace each other, but only mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual coordination and mutual help, can effectively achieve organizational goals. Entrepreneurs can use many effective means or ways to control, induction or motivate team members to strive for the common goal of the organization, but in the face of the external environment of the temptation, not a common culture of the team may be lacking spirit of cooperation, no combat capability. And excellent team culture as an important organizational strength, is advantageous for the enterprise to form a team together, establish a corporate image, enhance corporate visibility, and expand market share, improve business performance, lay the concept platform and ideological foundation for the formation of entrepreneurial ability. China's entrepreneurial team culture construction is relatively weak, serious individualism, humanism is weak, difficult to meet the customer's sense of belonging and sense of security staff. In order to enhance team cohesion, improve entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs can optimize the enterprise from the humanities spirit culture, system culture and material culture three aspects.

  Spiritual culture is used to guide the enterprises to carry out the production and operation activities of different behavioral norms, the social consciousness and values. It includes the enterprise mission, enterprise spirit, enterprise style, business ideas, business ethics; the institutional culture is human and objects, people and enterprise operation system and combined with the intermediary, the enterprise culture in the material culture and spiritual culture organically combined into a whole. Generally include three aspects of leadership, organization and management system; enterprise material culture, is defined by the staff to create products and various physical facilities constitute the cultural artifacts, including the enterprise's products and services, business environment and the buildings, the three aspects of corporate identity.


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