Efficient entrepreneurial team is how to make?

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:20:33
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2670

  The early start, technology, market is not mature and perfect, you can do this by independent entrepreneurial freedom show entrepreneurial initiative and innovation ability, according to individual will achieve entrepreneurial ideal and ambition. This stage, the entrepreneur is the main body to create a new enterprise management, enterprise operation and bear the risk, he stable growth and development of enterprises play a decisive role. But with the growth of enterprises, in the face of increasingly complex business environment, only by entrepreneur's efforts to support high-speed operation of the company. A high-quality entrepreneurial team can bring more resources, management ability, strain of a broader vision and more, help enterprises out of difficulties to achieve success, as a personal "heroism" as the main characteristic of independent business is gradually replaced by entrepreneurial team. Enterprises mature, founder of enterprises can be retreated behind the scenes, the occupation managers to manage enterprise. But the original entrepreneurs set up during the process of enterprise culture will always affect the growth of enterprises, will not easily change because change of occupation managers. Venture team is an important task for entrepreneurs, different types of enterprises required is not the same as the steps to create a team, there also exist some differences. Generally speaking, generally follow the following procedures established:


  1, planning team


  Team planning is carries on the overall analysis of entrepreneurial work, all the work content, liability, property and business team members should have the condition. The results of job analysis for the position description, provide the basis for the team recruitment, training, performance appraisal and salary management. Reasonable planning team, not only helps the team to create and manage work smoothly, but also can lay a good foundation for enterprise development. Venture to do bigger and stronger, from the beginning to build up team planning consciousness, considering from the size of the enterprise, business positioning, development plan, combined with the overall operation of enterprises, will the long-term, medium-term, short-term planning team combination, routine and emergency team management planning together, to the plan to maintain a certain degree of flexibility, to meet the need of the enterprise strategic management.

  Team planning by the entrepreneur's own design or in the enterprise to set up full-time person, also can take the team to plan the way of outsourcing, entrepreneurs should flexibly use according to their own actual conditions. The entrepreneur's own design or set up full-time person has the advantages of enterprise team situation, policy system, corporate culture and the impact factors of team work more accurate grasp, develop team planning more in line with the actual needs of enterprises, to discover and solve problems of emergency team. While the team planning outsourcing can enable enterprises to focus on products business, not in some of the details to spend so much time and energy. Team planning outsourcing service general can help the enterprise to achieve the recruitment, training and so on, can not meet the enterprise to enhance the core business ability demand for comprehensive.


  2, the member selection


  In order to reduce the operation cost of poineering initial stage, the largest proportion of share, entrepreneurial team personnel should be in the precondition of enterprise can efficiently lower as concise as possible. Generally speaking, entrepreneurial team size control in the best between 2 - 12. Entrepreneurial team scale is too small can not realize the function and advantage of the team, is too large it may bring more conflict, greatly weakened the team cohesion and decision efficiency, thus affecting the entrepreneurial performance.

  No matter what the scale of the formation of entrepreneurial team, entrepreneurs have to consider not only the relationship between team members, is considered more important members in ability or technology on the complementarity and cooperation, to better integrate their skills into the entrepreneurial team, holding the entrepreneurial team stability,

  Different members in the team to play different roles, the core team members need to have the courage to bear the responsibility, mind broad, generous, good at communication and other characteristics, can work to achieve the team's vision and objectives. The team member selection process, in addition to the need to follow these principles, should also pay attention to the legal provisions.


  3, adjust the fusion


  Entrepreneurial team is not the form will be the pink of perfection, a lot of the time is formed gradually in the process of enterprise development. With the team, unreasonable team in personnel matching, system design, the division of functions and powers will be gradually exposed, some relations between the dissonance will lead to conflict. Conflict can be divided into cognitive conflict and affective conflict two categories. In the face of team conflict, entrepreneurs should be timely adjusted fusion, otherwise it may lead to the disintegration and collapse of the enterprise business team. The cognitive conflict, entrepreneurs can through open communication, open communication and appropriate incentives, different techniques and ability of team members, to improve decision quality and performance, improve the sense of responsibility and team performance. When the quality and ability, team members may not match and enterprise development, entrepreneurs need to consider the post adjustment or business training for the. The emotional conflict, entrepreneurs should be rational to judge it on team effectiveness, decision quality, decision making and team performance influence, through communication and coordination, timely develop team spirit, raise the morale of the team. If the conflict is difficult to coordinate, may lead to entrepreneurial team decision-making failures, even cause the team split and dissolution, entrepreneurs should decisively change team members, to absorb the real perfect matching personnel to the entrepreneurial team to.


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