How to choose the mode of technology acquisition?

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:23:56
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2607

  Technology planning has internal and external two sources, access is also divided into internal and external access to two categories. Internal technology acquisition includes internal R & D and internal integration in two ways, can adopt the centralized and decentralized R & D two forms. External technology acquisition there are five basic ways of R & D outsourcing, technology alliance, technology acquisition, technology licensing, technology introduction. Every kind of technology acquisition modes have their own characteristics and to adapt to the conditions, entrepreneurs should be integrated into the technology life cycle, technology, technology, capital constraint role types, risk control, schedule and other factors, to select a suitable acquisition mode.

  Enterprise technology acquisition mode selection is also influenced by the duration of patent protection, to mimic the effect degree of difficulty, enterprise growth stage, the reaction of competitors and national laws and policies and other factors. Entrepreneurs should consider various factors, access mode choice and their overall strategic coordination technology, improve the technological capabilities of enterprises and entrepreneurial advantage.


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