The main content of the technical planning

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:24:43
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2111

  1, the role of planning technology


  According to the enterprise in the development of the industry plays a different role in the technology, the technology can be divided into leading technology, technology, technology imitation follow three types.


  2, key technology planning


  After defining the role of entrepreneurs, according to the demand of industrial technology evolution trend, technology competition, its elements and means of competition, focus on the future development of technology choice of enterprises need, find the combination technology opportunities and competitive environment, to achieve efficient use of production elements. Generally speaking, the enterprise low cost advantage and differentiation advantage, the largest contribution to successful development of core technologies and key technology is the highest in the future development focus.


  3, technical target planning


  Product and process technology have different applicable objects, to determine the development goals according to their actual conditions, the technical planning and market opportunities to achieve effective cohesion. Development goals include product features, technical specifications, production process etc..


  4, the development of Regional Planning


  The development and popularization of Internet and information technology, the exchange of information and knowledge more convenient, cross area to carry out technical cooperation project can overcome the limitation of space, different parts of space cooperation can achieve interactive work. Entrepreneurs can according to the function, technology, process requirements, in the Domestic Company, between headquarters and branch between multinational, different between multinational enterprises in technology research and development division, to maximize the sharing of various partners together to complete the task of resources, technology innovation.


  5, the progress of development planning


  Function, technology, process and regional determination, needs further according to the customer demand set sequence of development. Generally speaking, according to the product function satisfaction on customer requirements, can be divided into three levels: basic demand, competitive demand, potential demand. Entrepreneurs can according to the customer's basic needs and competition demand for the formation of the first edition product development task, clear development goals, milepost and launch time. Every time the potential demand into the competition, to form the next version, gradually formed a unique product line.

  Good product line can ensure the sustainable development of enterprise, it needs to follow the following principles: product line should cover all the main target market segments are different; a product line should be aimed at the target market segments, different; each product should have sufficient market capacity; different products in the same product line should be followed by the introduction of; similar product line shall work out.


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