Value goal determine the direction, path and performance standards of business model

  • Time: 2013-07-31 16:36:56
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2134

  The value goal, is the entrepreneur value exchange activities of the target, used to describe the realistic demand, entrepreneurs of the exchange value of future space and value of media, two aspects including enterprise mission and market positioning. Entrepreneurial opportunities provided business possible, value goal is further clarified the source of venture value and prospect, determine the business model direction, path and performance standards. In a buyer's market today, the entrepreneurial model only based on the value of appropriate, to grasp the initiative in the market competition, sustainable development.

  Enterprise mission, refers to the business purpose of existence, nature, tasks and responsibilities, including the reason of existence state, usually expected, core value three aspects. Enterprise mission not only determines the basic direction and the characteristics of entrepreneurial model, and will directly affect the implementation of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial strategic target, thus affecting the formation and promotion of entrepreneurial ability.

  Market positioning, is entrepreneurs through the analysis of customer interests, position competition market and the existing condition of the enterprise, the enterprise and its products in the market place. For example, a 7-up positioning in the "non Cola", the positioning of red canister Wang Laoji as "prevention lit drink beer", high positioning in the "champagne beer" etc.. Market positioning is the key of entrepreneurs to find some characteristics are more competitive than competitors in their products, such as product quality, and cost advantages, and through the four aspects of the target market positioning, brand positioning, product positioning and competitive positioning of content, a clear expression of the enterprise and the product with the existing and potential competitors in the target market of the difference, is conducive to the establishment of a unique image of enterprises and products to customers, large and lasting appeal, lay a foundation to lead the market demand for the development of enterprises.

  Through the market product competition combination, can be a plurality of regional market recognition of specific business opportunities contained. Entrepreneurs need to select the appropriate regional market with their own situation, and value sharing provided guidance for the formation of value.


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