The main contents and matters needing attention of administrative closure

  • Time: 2013-08-01 09:26:20
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 1698

  Administrative closure is the project team through the project review and experience, the end of the project process, it generally consists of several evaluation project audit, internal acceptance, the termination of the project and project.


  1, the audit of the project


  The audit of the project, is commissioned by the specialized agencies or personnel independent according to the authorization or, according to the national laws and regulations and financial rules, business policy, management standards and regulations and relevant project contract, audit inspection of project activities, its legal, reasonable, effectiveness evaluation and a proposed improve or treatment recommendations. Because of the relative independence of the project team, project audit to verify the project cost and economic benefit, to overcome the short-term behavior and moral risk, improve project management level and investment benefit. Project audit each covers the project management life cycle aspects. According to the nature of the project and the source of capital is different, our country national audit, internal audit and social audit three modes.


  2, quality inspection


  Project quality inspection according to quality plan in the scope of classification, requirements and project quality clause in contract, follow the quality inspection and evaluation standards related to the project quality, quality identification and process for acceptance handover. Quality inspection is an important way to ensure the project to achieve the goal, it runs through the whole project life period. Quality inspection results with two general forms of quality inspection and assessment report or project technical data expression, is an important part of the project data.


  3, information acceptance


  Project data is the sum of various project activities. The project is part of project are indispensable, only the project file acceptance, to project completion and acceptance. In general, the acceptance range and list item group according to the terms of the contract on the collation of data information and conduct self inspection and inspection, delivery of information acceptance. Project information acceptance party according to the contract or regulatory requirements of archives, information sent to sub acceptance, inventory, filing, filing, and fill in the data transfer list. Data acceptance signed by both parties, the handover in the project file to confirm acceptance report. Information acceptance unqualified or defective, notify the relevant departments to take measures to amend or supplement.


  4, the termination of the project


  The termination of the project is that when a project's objectives have been achieved, or impossible, the end of the project activities, the dissolution of the project team. Mainly includes the termination of the plan, the project summary, achievement commendation, team communication, team is disbanded and other matters.


  5, project post evaluation


  Post project evaluation, refers to the completed project objective, implementation process, benefit, function and influence of the system, the objective analysis and summary of a technical and economic activities. Post project evaluation is to project supervision and improvement, which have good project running state; and also improved the project activity summary, advantageous to enhance the project decision-making responsibility and improve the level of project management.
Post project evaluation is the control project goals and indicators, check the project implementation and change, and makes the judgment process. The funding for the project, content, such as different size, then the evaluation process also vary, but generally go through project selection, planning, data collection, analysis, report a few steps.


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