The main aspects of project quality management and its key content

  • Time: 2013-08-01 09:35:24
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2525

  Project quality is an inherent characteristic of the project products to meet user requirements in use. Project quality management is to realize the project quality objectives, and all the management activities in nature, generally includes establishment of the quality policy, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement in five aspects.


  1, the quality policy


  The quality policy is a project by the top management of the Organization officially released the organization's quality objectives and direction. It is part of the business enterprise, project management is the guiding ideology and the commitment to quality, is the establishment and operation of the quality management system, the formulation and quality objectives, quality planning activities review enterprise basis. Such as, benefit by quality, depending on the quality of technology, technical talent, talent depends on education; quality first, reputation is important, management oriented, sincere service.

  Generally speaking, the quality policy should pay attention to the enterprise tenet of adaptation; meet customer requirements; to comply with laws, regulations and the commitment to continual improvement; full participation; appropriate communication and understanding; quality target guiding; process control; timely review; continuous improvement. Different project organization and its products, demand, technology, history, scale, equipment, personnel, etc. in different conditions, so the quality policy formulation process, must be combined with the characteristics of their own situation, the project organization, environment and development, the situation of making decisions, develop project organization personality, characteristics, and the pursuit of customer commitment to quality policy.

  The quality policy is determined by the project, signed by the person in charge and to convey the correct information to the junior staff, to ensure the effective implementation of the quality policy.


  2, the quality plan


  Quality planning is to determine the quality and the goal of the quality management system, and provides the necessary operational processes and related resources and activities. Quality planning does not cover and contain everything, but for the activities which affect project performance of. Generally speaking, it includes the target planning, process planning, improving the planning aspects. After the application of the quality planning, words, and to the quality management plan, quality metrics, quality check list and process improvement plan and document form of communication, propaganda and implementation.


  3, quality control


  Project quality control, refers to a process by monitoring the quality, eliminate all factors stage quality ring caused by unqualified or not satisfactory results, to achieve the quality requirements, access to economic benefits and quality of operation with the various technologies and activities.

  Many factors affect the project quality, content and characteristics of each phase of the project quality control also vary, the project quality problems easy to occur and is hard to control. Generally speaking, the project quality control work quality control, process quality control and product quality control three aspects.

  Take the corresponding corrective measures, still have to monitor the project activities, the activities of the project process remains in the control level of. Once the factor influence the new, need to measure data, cause analysis, and corrective. The quality control of the formation of deliverables, to project components or final product evaluation, to ensure that they meet the quality requirements, can meet the needs of customers in normal use, in order to receive formal approval. For the unqualified acceptance of the project, to rework, until it is accepted or project cancelled so far.


  4, the quality assurance


  Quality assurance, refers to in order to make the project management and project product demand that the project can meet the quality requirements, and implementation of all planned, systematic quality management activities. Is the quality control on the basis of quality assurance, there is no quality control, there is no guarantee of quality.

  The project quality assurance can be divided into the quality assurance project management process and the project to ensure the quality of products in two categories. The quality assurance activities is the key to provide products to meet the requirements of the project and quality management process to meet the requirements of the evidence. This requires the project manager can not put the quality assurance activities as an isolated event, but should system of height, from the global to arrange and coordinate control of the documents, such as the compatibility between the interface and the interface, process, process information feedback, the process of network function etc.. Of all the factors that may affect the project quality, make careful arrangements in advance control, and to solve the problem, to take timely corrective and preventive measures.


  5, quality improvement


  Object quality improvement in general is a process of long-term aims at the defects of project activities in the change and breakthrough, according to the needs of the project itself, the important degree of the severity of the defect, project organization and technological ability and economic ability and other aspects of the data, comprehensive analysis, make careful planning and a large amount of resources to obtain actual effect. Process of project quality improvement activities including planning, implementation, examination, treatment of four stages, the project quality and rising by a large sets of small ring ring cycle of continuous improvement.
Quality improvement came to a close, to have been proven effective measures, to develop into the standardization, work standards, implementation and promotion for later. For the scheme of no significant effect or problems in the implementation process, to summarize, provide basis for improving quality of a new round of.

  In short, project quality in the quality guideline of planning, quality control and quality assurance activities through, find the weak link of project quality management and the main problems, and then take targeted quality improvement measures to adjust or re planning. Through continuous cycle of planning, control, ensure and improve the quality of the project, will continue to be improved.


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