Project construction contract requires the whole process, systematic, dynamic management

  • Time: 2013-08-01 09:41:49
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2712

  Contract management, is refers to the enterprise to itself as the Party of a contract, performance, change, termination, transfer, termination and review, supervision, control law and a series of behavior. Economic exchanges project is mainly carried out by contract, the contents, the policy is strong, the need for the entire process, systematic, dynamic management, guarantee the smooth progress of the project, safeguard the vital interests of the parties.


  1, organizational settings


  Project organization should set up specialized institutions and personnel responsible for contract management, improve the contract management work specialization and professional level. Enterprise should according to the enterprise organization and project organization form, select the appropriate forms of contract management organization. Such as: decentralized management, contract administrator, contract management department (Department), contract management, contract management outsourcing team.


  2, contract drafting


  In order to guide the contract the parties entered into a contract, China's relevant departments and industry associations to develop a part of the contract model text. These texts are generally displayed on the rights and obligations of the parties to a contract, the parties enter into a contract for reference. Because of different circumstances, the project covers a wide range, complex content model text, often cannot completely meet the project contract negotiation and signing of the actual needs. The project contract management institutions should be based on their actual needs to make the standard text, and with reference to the previous contract negotiations in the exception and the principal responsible persons, legal advice, setting the terms of the contract the floating range. The content of adding specific negotiation object based on the standard text on the formation of specific projects, the contract first, and try to use them in the contract negotiations.


  3, contract negotiation


  Contract negotiation is to conclude a contract both sides or more parties for mutual understanding, define the rights and obligations of the contract and negotiation activities. Contract negotiation is the prelude to general contract, is an invitation to offer and counter-offer again, offer and counter offer commitment repeated negotiation process.


  4, the signing of the contract


  Contract negotiation, should form a complete contract draft text according to the negotiations, officially formed by the authorized representatives of both parties after the approval documents. When the two sides satisfied and no mistake after checking by the representatives of both parties sign. Undertake the project units submit performance bond after the formal signing of the contract. Contract signing marks the beginning of the cooperation between the two sides, and provides the possibility and guarantee for the transaction.


  5, the implementation of the contract


  After the signing of the contract, both parties shall fulfill their obligations in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract, ensure the smooth implementation of the contract. The implementation of the contract management, including contract implementation management, procurement quality control, contract management, contract claim management and contract payment management aspects.


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