Construction and management of industrial technology innovation alliance

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:03:49
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2230

1, Alliance Construction
Industrial technology innovation strategy alliance, is refers to by the enterprise, University, scientific research institutions or other organizations, based on mutual interest demands and enterprises of all parties for the foundation, to enhance the ability of industrial technology innovation as the goal, in a legally binding contract for security, the formation of joint development, complementary advantages, benefit sharing, risk sharing technology innovation cooperation organization. The main task of alliance is a key problem on industrial technology innovation organization enterprise, University and research institutions, to carry out technical cooperation, core technology breakthrough in the development of industry, the formation of industrial technology standards; to establish public technology platform, to realize the innovation resources effective division of labor and reasonably, implement intellectual property sharing; the implementation of technology transfer, commercialization using the accelerating scientific and technological achievements, enhance the overall competitiveness of industry; joint training, strengthen the interaction between people, effectively enhance the core competitiveness of supporting countries.
Alliance construction, should be based on the national key industries and regional pillar industry technical innovation oriented, with the goal of forming the core competitiveness of industries, with enterprises as the main body, around the industrial technology innovation chain, using the market mechanism of cluster innovation resources, enterprise, University and research institutions combined with effective at the strategic level, the technical bottleneck to break industry development.
2, alliance application
(1) for
In order to new mechanisms and exploring new modes of alliance and cooperation, fully mobilize and bring into play the advantages and positive of union members, the Ministry of science and technology to start the pilot work of industrial technology innovation strategy alliance in 2009 December. The League was founded may voluntarily apply for participating in the pilot. For the pilot's Union Division, can according to the category, to the Ministry of science and technology related departments proposed audit application. The audit application union shall submit the following materials: copy alliance agreement text, application form, alliance necessity illustrative material, all members of the alliance business license or certificate affixed with the official seal of the legal person. If the legal representative of union members to others signed a coalition agreement, must provide the original legal representative power of attorney.
(2) review
In the technical innovation project of Ministry of science and Technology Coordination Leading Group under the guidance of the comprehensive departments and bureaus, professional division of labor, professional department is responsible for verifying the necessity and technical alliance; comprehensive department is responsible for checking the alliance organization form; and the formation of the audit opinion. Alliance audit take mature an audit in a manner.
Technical innovation project of Ministry of science and Technology Coordination Leading Group Office organized the discussion, confirmed in accordance with the terms of the alliance. Confirmation of the League list to the six departments to promote the combination work coordination office of the leading group.

3, external support
(1) the government policy
To sum up the mechanism and mode of operation of the alliance system, combined with the innovation of system and mechanism and optimize the allocation of resources, and strive for more favorable alliance development policy environment; give full play to the role of union policy research in the industrial technology innovation and an important role in making, provides the basis for the formulation of national science and technology plan guide member unit; integration alliance advantage, around the strategic needs of industry the development of integrated production, all forces set up State Key Laboratory for major issues, science and technology development and the national economy, social development and national security, carry out research and technological innovation; actively carry out international cooperation in science and technology, organization alliance member units to assume international scientific and technological cooperation project, enhance the ability of technological innovation in the higher starting point.
(2) science and technology plan
Based on the union advance investment, the national science and technology program (major projects, the national science and technology support program, the 863 Program) to actively explore the development of grant, loan interest subsidies, after the way of supporting the alliance. The Ministry of science and Technology Review and pilot alliance, as the project organizing units involved in the project of State Science and technology plans. Encourage the alliance recommends expert to the national science and technology plan library of expert advice. The national science and technology plan according to their respective administrative procedures and reflect the demand of science and technology for alliance.
(3) financial services
For banks, venture capital institutions participating in the league, with diversified financing support and financial services to the enterprises.
4, internal management
(1) share responsibility
Industrial technology innovation strategy alliance innovation cycle is long, need to be members of the alliance of sustained and stable cooperation, to play their proper role and responsibility to protect the interests of. If the alliance lacks reasonable responsibility sharing mechanism, alliance member easy to make is not conducive to the interests of the whole alliance. Therefore, the industrial technology innovation strategic alliance from several aspects the main responsibility unit, Union Council, supervision and management mechanism, improve the responsibility sharing mechanism.
(2) intellectual property
The core problem of interest distribution mechanism within the coalition is the protection of intellectual property and intellectual property value, therefore, the union parties should focus on innovation, application and protection of intellectual property rights, definite the responsibility, right, Lee, the contract mode, based on the voluntary, safeguard the interests of the parties.
(3) union funds
Alliance according to regulations and national science and technology plan and the relevant funds formulated union bear the national science and technology plan of supporting management measures, report to the Ministry of science and technology. Measures should include organization management system, project funding matching and use, supervision and accountability, intellectual property sharing and segmentation etc..
(4) regulation, withdrawal or termination
According to the provisions of the State Science and technology plans and related financial management, alliance organization and implementation of the project can not according to plan the normal implementation should be timely adjust or cancel. If the union as a member of a unit project withdraw from the union, by the Union Council put forward written opinions of adjustment or cancellation subject, executive report science and technology department after approval. If the project organization alliance dissolution, the Ministry of science and technology can be adjusted according to the implementation, as well as the comment.


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