Daily management of common enterprise alliance

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:06:52
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2332

1, strategic alliance management
Changes in the external environment, enterprise alliance constantly revaluation of strategic alliance with the alliance and adaptability, timely adjustment of development alliance operation mode. If the initial strategic objectives have been completed, the alliance enterprise needs to find a new sense of common purpose, make the enterprise alliance have more value.
2, alliance management
Since the establishment of Enterprise Alliance for different purposes, and the alliance organization is flexible, so take a pattern of alliance management cannot, with different ways of cooperation, flexible to adapt to the complex union activities. When the scope of cooperation is small, can set up a separate agency management, such as the board of directors; when cooperation scope, alliance operation process is too complicated, you can set up a management system. The system may include partners CE0 meeting, board of directors, the alliance Steering Committee, Executive Committee and project committee, management behavior through the different decision-making layer.
3, alliance management
(1) to strengthen the alliance enterprises Gaoguan layer exchange
The alliance enterprise executives layer on the participation alliance, reflects the importance of alliance enterprises. A certain degree of enterprise top management participation, is conducive to the formation of alliance common strategic objectives, to promote enterprise resources to the alliance, encouraging active participation in the management and operation level, correct evaluation of the situation of union development, make timely withdrawal decision.
(2) a prudent selection of alliance management
On the one hand, there is a need to choose ability, does not favor the alliance management, integration of the alliance enterprise culture, to listen to the views of all parties cooperation alliance, staff, and promote the steady and rapid development alliance. On the other hand, the enterprise shall assign a suitable alliance manager in charge of the enterprise and the union related affairs management.
(3) to strengthen personnel exchanges and
Among the alliance enterprises good interpersonal and communication network, to realize the communication and the synergistic effect is conducive to resolving conflict, technology.
4, alliance management
(1) the cultural fusion
Strategic alliance is the basis of cooperation, and trust is the tie of cooperation between enterprises. But trust is not created out of nothing, only mutual respect, understanding the other partner culture, solve the union operation problems and conflicts with honest attitude, can cultivate team culture goals and good cooperation environment. This requires alliance management according to the alliance, alliance trust evaluation and constraint system, forming the reputation and behavior mechanism between the partners, to prevent the opportunism and mutual deception, eliminate the alliance among enterprises misunderstanding and conflict, between cooperation and competition for the best combination point.
(2) resource fusion
At the beginning of the establishment of the union, each partner has agreed investment resources and its valuation alliance. But in the alliance operation process, the resources in place and fusion of sustainable management. When the cooperative enterprises lack of resources invested or of low quality, alliance management shall take appropriate measures to urge the rectification; when the alliance resources during normal operation, need according to the contribution of resources, to determine a reasonable profit distribution scheme, further to promote integration of resources; when the alliance strategy changes, features of alliance management should cooperation enterprises to provide resources and fitness of revaluation and adjustment.
(3) the ability to fuse
Alliance value except for the a scale effect, but also by learning, enhance their entrepreneurial ability. Enterprises should grasp the alliance learning opportunities, set clear learning goals. In the early stage of this alliance, the human resources department should through position analysis, clear the alliance between enterprises learning field and control mode. On this basis, the alliance managers should design some incentive measures, to encourage enterprise besides the necessary technical secrets, try to reduce the excessive protection knowledge, to create a mutual trust, information sharing, learning environment. But in this process, the parties shall communicate detailed record and report work, curing the learning results, to prevent the loss of information.
5, alliance management
(1) the enterprise union not to exclude rivals for the purpose, selling products at prices below cost. But except in the following circumstances: selling fresh goods; effective processing period is going to expire commodities or other overstock commodity; seasonal price; for paying off debts, transfer, sale of goods business.
(2) sales of commercial enterprise alliance, no sale against the wish of the buyer or attach other unreasonable conditions.
(3) the enterprise alliance may not bid rigging, raise or reduce the price for bidding. The tenderer and bidder shall not collude with each other, to exclude competitors from fair competition.
(4) the enterprise alliance may not collude with each other, control the market price, damage the legitimate rights and interests of other operators or consumers.
(5) enterprises shall not practice price discrimination against other operators with identical trading conditions.


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