The advantages and disadvantages of enterprise groups and enterprise alliance

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:11:19
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2085

  Enterprise groups and enterprise alliance as the two kind of enterprise organization form, there are similar, even the same features to a great extent. In the background of the network economy, it is showing a trend of integration. But some differences also exist in the link, members, stability, transaction cost, growth ability etc.. 1, the link
Enterprise group, is the mother company to capital as the main joint between the articles of association, group with a certain scale of corporate common behavior of parent company, subsidiary, joint stock companies and other member enterprises or institutions, the combination of. Property is the link of enterprise group, contractual arrangements do not dominate; and the connection link enterprise alliance is the main contract arrangement, the arrangement of property rights does not have very important meanings for alliance. Therefore, enterprises can be regarded as the ratio of enterprise alliance is more close to the enterprise organization form.
2, members
The presence of conglomerates to combine with equity, barriers to entry and exit of high cost has limited the number of group members in a certain extent, affected the broad member composition. The enterprise alliance concluded and maintaining is subject to the members among the members of strategic, cultural differences and international competition law, but the barriers to entry and exit costs to lower league is not affected by the member size limits.
3, the degree of stability
Enterprise group is not an independent legal person, but a composite composed of a plurality of corporate enterprises, among the members of the group to maintain economic relations based on equality and mutual benefit, there is no strict concept on the relationship between superior and subordinate. However, property rights, equity holding relationship makes the enterprise often reflect the level of color to a certain extent. The integrity of the enterprise group includes the core enterprises (Group), close layer (by holding enterprises), semi close and loose (shareholding enterprises) business layer (contract) four levels. Whatever the organization structure, internal presentation of feature layer organization, has the hierarchical property. Share connection and family characteristics system helps maintain group stability, enhance the ability to integrate group, implementation than general network has more capital control and polymerization of powerful.
Different with enterprise group, legitimacy, to maintain the alliance enterprises mainly rely on the enterprise and its partners are compatible, complementary and investment. With the changes in the external environment, business strategy and balance the interests relationship, often union conflict and split inevitable. Although some enterprises alliance is quite stable, but very few companies can eventually form a long-term cooperation relationship, its cohesion and stability is lower than group.
4, transaction cost
From the formation of enterprise group, mainly through joint, mergers and acquisitions, screening, low cost, but the process is complicated, high cost of negotiation and signing. The enterprise alliance enterprises is mainly formed by signing a contract voluntarily, simple procedures, contract negotiations and lower cost, lower coordination costs, but the cost of screening high partner.
From the running cost, enterprise scale expansion and diversification, the enterprise group has commissioned the complicated, long agency chain, there is a huge cost management cost, information cost, the cost of moral hazard, adverse selection cost, Inter Organizational friction. In the information asymmetry, information transfer delay, Inter Organizational friction and other factors, it is easy to produce a "big company disease", resulting in the failure of the organization. Quasi market organization and enterprise alliance as a form of network, flexible organization design make the alliance maintains efficiency advantage of market coordination, and keep the enterprise coordination management efficiency. Union members in obtaining business advantage at the same time, can effectively spread the risk, reduce the transaction cost.

5, growth ability
The conglomerate mergers, the core enterprise can reduce the number of intra industry competitors, achieve economies of scale, and enhance market competitiveness. But the strength of the scale, the economic subject core enterprise development of enterprise group, if the core enterprise scale is small, easy to form a "small horse drawn carts" situation; and if the scale is too large, easily lead to a shortage of cash, communication barriers, competition and antitrust regulations limit. At the same time, the competition form cost internalization group resources, reduce the group's entrepreneurial ability, is not conducive to the long-term development of enterprises.
Although there are opportunistic alliance, stability is not strong weaknesses, but the scale of development is not bound by the laws and regulations, enterprise funding constraints. At the same time, the union contract characteristic is maintained coordination advantage of the organization, and to remain the market transaction efficiency and incentive mechanism, driving in the external competitive pressures, continue to nurture and maintain the core business ability become the union pursuit of immortality.
In general, enterprise group and enterprise alliance are two each has its own merits. The organization form, cannot lump together superior, the need for different objectives selection. Since the reform and opening up, China's development process of enterprise group is very fast, but mainly top-down policy to promote the results, the problems of unclear property rights and administrative intervention. In the rapid development of high-tech, the increasingly fierce market competition, customer demand changing today, no matter how large a single enterprise can not quickly respond to the market opportunity. Groups can use the contract relationship, enterprise alliance method widely connected semi close and loose layer of the enterprise, make full use of the advantage of network to exert powerful.
However, the dynamic, changeable and stage characteristics which easily lead to market integration or bureaucratic internalization. Therefore, in certain industries or fields, companies often choose to group cooperation in the form of realization of economies of scope. It mainly includes: patent technology or business secret areas, follow-up development potential of the project, the chemical industry, tobacco industry, steel industry, etc..


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