Enterprises need shape new core business ability after the merger through the ability to integrate

  • Time: 2013-08-01 10:28:18
  • Source: SLEEING
  • Hit: 2323

Ability of enterprise performance in the market for enterprise strength, while the business strength is the comprehensive embodiment of strength of enterprises. Only by the ability to integrate and effective management of the enterprise after acquisition, to acquire new skills or the ability to promote and develop, realize the value of M & A. The ability to integrate R & D, production, mainly including the marketing ability of identification, protection, transfer and development, and the mold core business ability of the enterprise after M & A.
1, technology ability
After the transaction, should consider the technology related degree, technology absorption capacity, technology itself characteristic, technological innovation process and institutional factors such as the choice of technological capability, suitable integration model, to achieve the greatest possible technological cooperative effect. M & a cultural difference between both sides is larger, tacit technical cooperation requirements is not high, in order to technology innovation system both effective protection is not damaged, you can use isolation integration model. The retention structure of R & D organization and human resource acquisition of two matching, passed through the curing technological achievements between and small range of communication and cooperation to achieve limited technical cooperation; merger and acquisition of the cultural differences of the two sides is larger, but the tacit technical cooperation requirements is relatively high, only through cooperation can develop new technology, can be used interface integration model. The first retaining structure of both sides, mutual cooperation in the joint project platform. According to the different needs of enterprise merger and acquisition; weak enterprises, or to support both R & D system comprehensive upgrading, the comprehensive integration model. According to new research and development needs, each organization development assets, personnel to mix and match, the formation of a new organization.
2, production capacity
Enterprise merger and acquisition will enable range product portfolio to expand, but should be combined with the characteristics of both products, determination of a product or service is retained or improved, so as to realize the complementary advantages and sharing of resources. For example, through the introduction of the target enterprise products, can increase product line, expand the product scope, to achieve product differentiation; give up declining markets or overlapping products, save the limited resources.
3, marketing ability
Brand integration, if the target enterprises continue to operate independently after the merger, be able to retain its has a certain market brand name products; if the target enterprise product brands have a certain market influence, but the product has not adapted to the market demand, the merger did not have the appropriate alternative brands, through brand re positioning revive it; if the merger brand products have high market visibility and reputation, and the goal of enterprise products have a certain market demand, the brand into the target of the enterprise product, the brand expansion.
Channel integration, when the merger have well-known brands and smooth channels, can target enterprise sales channels included, to eliminate competition, increase market share; when the target enterprises with famous brands, smooth channel, can will the merger channels into the target enterprise channel, achieve rapid expansion of the market; when both sales channels have different features and advantages, M & A can let the target enterprise sales channels to maintain independent operation, so as to tap the target enterprise market resources.
Customer relationship integration, due to mergers and acquisitions may reduce the target enterprise original customer trust and loyalty, the merger should be maintained through communication, commitment, and other promotional methods or improvement of the target enterprise customer relationship. In order to ensure that after the merger of enterprises can provide better quality, cheaper products or services to the market, the merger should also strengthen the target enterprise supplier evaluation and examination, the important resource supply to stabilize the production, and gradually eliminated without the advantage of supplier.


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